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The Mountain of the Blue Keeper

     Welcome, Traveller from a distant star. I see that you have wandered into this private land, most likely by accident. Not many pass this way, perhaps out of fear, perhaps from the difficulty of the land. Perhaps you have heard stories of this place... or perhaps rumors of the fabled Blue Keeper... most likely, if you have heard of anything related to this place, you have heard of the Swords...
     Ah, well, I suppose since you have found your way here, it would be cruel to withhold from you the truth you seek. But where to begin? Thousands of years gone by... Do you wish to hear the latest news? Perhaps you seek the classic tales. Or, maybe, you're here because you want to know why, and how, things got to be the way they are.
     I alone cannot know the entire tale. No, not even the Swords could give you a complete and untainted history. It stretches far past that. The roots of this tale lie with the roots of life, the roots of the stars, the roots of creation. No mere physical being, mortal or otherwise, knows for certain how this all began...
     But I can certainly tell you of the results.
     Yes, yes, the results. Horrible and wonderful, all mixed together. But in order to show you, I must begin not at the beginning, nor at the present, and certainly not at the un-written end. No, I am afraid I must begin in the middle of it all.

How Gena got her Sword
A BAD Day for Gena
How Chris and Ryan Met
Typical Day for an OutWorlder
Girl Meets Sword (a.k.a. "Buying Time")
Writing Index

     The literary works presented on this web site are completely fictitious. I conjured them out of the vast depths of my mind while lying in bed, trying to sleep. I struggle with insomnia. But, anyhow, the point is that this stuff isn't real. That means that I don't really believe that if you cut someone's head off, you can get your power. Despite anything on this page or anything you've learned from the Highlander movies, T.V. shows or games, running around with a sword in your trench coat will most likely get you into a lot of trouble and is very dangerous. I repeat: cutting off someone's head will absolutely not give you that person's power. In other words, if you someday go on to decapitate people, don't even think of blaming me for it! I went through all the trouble of writing this disclaimer to keep myself free from blame, so your insane little ploys won't effect me! *ahem* Anyhow, another aspect of the fictitious properties of this web site is that the characters are completely made up. Well, okay, so I borrowed some stuff. Like, the whole idea of the Ageless came from the Highlander immortals. And there's the little matter of the whole space-fantasy part (including weapons, vehicles, androids, computers and planets) being based on Star Wars. Okay, fine, so I flat-out stole Ghent from Timothy Zahn, but that just proves how cool Zahn made him! As for the rest of the characters, most of them came completely out of my imagination. Okay, most of them came mostly out of my imagination. Fine, all right, to be totally honest, most of the bad guys are morons I've really met and would really like to kick the snot out of and most of the good guys are people I'd really like to meet someday, although I haven't had the pleasure yet, and a few are based on some of my real friends that are cool, and most of my ideas are completely and unabashedly plagerized from some sci-fi/fantasy/horror story that someone else came up with, but, hey, I like this story, dang it, so live with it!! (C)1999 Gena Storhotz
     Sword Pictures Disclaimer: All pictures in the collection of pictures from the internet are copyrighted by their original artists or creators and should not be passed off as your own work. *pbbt*