Aller êrst lebe ich mir werde Sît mîn sündic ouge siht Daz reine lant und ouch die erde Der man sô vil êren giht Mirst geschehen des ich ie bat Ich bin komen an die stat Da got mennischlichen trat Schæniu lant rîch unde hêre Waz ich der noch han gesehen Sô bist duz ir aller êre Waz ist wunders hie geschehen! Daz ein magt ein kint gebar Here ubr aller engel schar Waz daz niht ein wunder gar? Daz in dô des niht verdrôz Dast ein wunder alze grôz Aller wunder übergnôz |
My life only now has a deeper meaning These sinful eyes have gazed Upon his holy ground The land so greatly praised and deeply cherished I now experience what I have long since prayed for I have arrived where God, as man Has walked among us Many countries, mighty, rich and splendid Have I seen You shine above them all So many wonderous things have happened here! That a maiden has born a child Lord of all the hosts of angels Is that not a miracle? We need not despair For this mighty miracle Is grander still than before |