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Kicho Hyung Ee Boo
Number of moves: 20 Gi-yups: 8, 16
Start in ready position.
1. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
2. Step forward into right front stance, high punch with right hand.
3. Turn 180° to the right into right front stance, low block with right hand.
4. Step forward into left front stance, high punch with left hand.
5. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
6. Step forward into right front stance, high block with right hand.
7. Step forward into left front stance, high block with left hand.
8. Step forward into right front stance, high block with right hand. Gi-yup!
9. Turn 270° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
10. Step forward into right front stance, high punch with right hand.
11. Turn 180° to the right into right front stance, low block with right hand.
12. Step forward into left front stance, high punch with left hand.
13. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
14. Step forward into right front stance, high block with right hand.
15. Step forward into left front stance, high block with left hand.
16. Step forward into right front stance, high block with right hand. Gi-yup!
17. Turn 270° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
18. Step forward into right front stance, high punch with right hand.
19. Turn 180° to the right into right front stance, low block with right hand.
20. Step forward into left front stance, high punch with left hand.
Return to ready position.
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