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Trigram Interpretation

     Trigrams are symbols created from combining three lines in one of 8 patterns. The lines are either solid or broken in the middle. Each of the 8 combinations unique and carries with it a philosophical meaning. First, the symbol stands for an element of nature. This element has significance that can be applied to the form. Also, the symbol stands for a family member. Below, the trigrams are pictured with an admittedly brief and unprofessional explanation of their meanings.

Keon, meaning "heaven" or "light", is the first symbol. The heavens give us light and rain and makes things grow on the earth. Therefore, Keon is the beginning, the source and creativity. Family member: Father.

Tae, meaning "joyfulness", is the second symbol. Joyfulness results from a firm mind and a gentle appearance. Joy is found in new knowledge and the beginning of wisdom and is expressed through virtue and softness. Family member: Youngest daughter.

Ri, meaning "fire" or "sun", is the third symbol. Fire separates man from animal. Fire gives warmth and comfort, as well as hope and strength. Fire symbolizes brilliance and passion. Family member: Middle daughter.

Jin, meaning "thunder", is the fourth symbol. Thunder can be loud and frightening or soft and distant. Thunder reminds us to act bravely in the face of danger. Thunder symbolizes power and dignity. Family member: Oldest son.

Seon, meaning "wind", is the fifth symbol. Wind can be strong and fierce but has a gentle and soothing nature. Wind flows smoothly and penetrates all, never stopping. Wind symbolizes perseverance and a humble state of mind. Family member: Oldest daughter.

Gam, meaning "water", is the sixth symbol. Water is liquid and formless. It never loses its nature, always flowing downward. Through perseverance, it erodes away obsticles and never hesitates as it creates new paths. Water gathers, starting as small drops until it forms great oceans. Water symbolizes the over-coming of obsticles, not through brute force, but rather by persistance and fluidity. Family member: Middle son.

Gan, meaning "top stop" or "mountain", is the seventh symbol. Mountains are stable and fixed. They are formed by accumulation of smaller parts over great periods of time, and are not quickly changed. The mountain symbolizes stopping to think before acting, and firm resolution once a decision has been made. Family member: Youngest son.

Gon, meaning "earth", is the eighth symbol. The earth is the source of life and energy for all creatures. All life returns to the earth at its end. Plants keep their roots in the ground and draw from it and are nurtured by it. So must the student draw upon the knowledge and wisdom imparted by all he has learned thus far. The earth is the completion, but also the beginning. Family member: Mother.

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