PEOPLEProbably the most overlooked resource, PEOPLE are needed to make decisions about how to use technology, what to use it for, and to control it. Technology is both created by and used by people in order to better their lives. (hopefully). | |
MATERIALSSome people think this should be called the "Materials Age" because new materials are arguably what have allowed such major advances in technology over the past 100 years. Developing new materials that allow us to expand our abilities is a key component of technology. | |
ENERGYEnergy is the ability to do WORK. Sources of Energy include: Solar, Chemical, Geothermal,Gravitational, Human & Animal Muscle Power, and Nuclear Energy. | |
TIMEAnother overlooked and forgotten resource, TIME is a commodity which is increasing in value as Technology increases. For appropriate technology to be useful, you need time to develop it. | |
INFORMATIONInformation is a vital resource for any developing technology. Quickly replacing natural resources as the most valuable commodity, future wars may be fought over information. | |
CAPITALIn order to create any form of technology, you need Capital, which is anything that has value. With Capital, you probably will be able to acquire all the other resources. | |
TOOLS & MACHINESTools & Machines are obvious examples of technology. Most people think of computers when they think of technology. What's the difference between a tool and a machine? |