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Life leads the thoughtful man on a path of many windings.
Now the course is checked, now it runs straight again.
Here winged thoughts may pour freely forth in words,
There the heavy burden of knowledge must be shut away in silence.
But when two people are at one in their inmost hearts,
They shatter even the strength of iron or of bronze.
And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts,
Their words are sweet and strong, like the fragrance of orchids.
Attributed to Confucius 551-479 BC

**Click on the underlined links to learn more about my friends**
(tell 'em dreamy sent ya)

Gypsy....It was instant "love" from the moment we met. This woman is such an extraordinary mix of logic and mysticism. She keeps me sane and makes me laugh and makes me cry. She is wise beyond her years and can always be counted on to brighten my day. I truly count her as one of my best friends r/t or v/t, and I feel very blessed to have gypsygirl in my life.
Thirtysomething....An amazing man, aptly named the "Gentle Giant" by Gypsy. This Scoundrel's sarcasm is legendary. Ask him anything about TV trivia! And boyohboy can that man spell! He also has the cutest tush in cyberland! Although we've known each other for almost a year, we've become quite close in recent months and I cherish his friendship.
Sunfish....How do I describe my "soul mate"? There was an instant connection when we met, one that has lasted through all sorts of BS. He is an avid sunworshipper with a wickedly sexy side, and I adore him.
Maestro....One of my "boys". This man is one of the most loyal and caring people I have ever met. A real class act. We can talk for hours about just about anything, and I know we will be friends for life.
Velvet(in blue) ....My "banana breath" sister. Her blue velvet baseball caps with "ornery" embroidered on them are a trophy to be treasured! She is a funny and incredibly intelligent lady. She keeps me supplied with fish heads...heeheehee...
Angelique....A mother of 3 boys, whose exploits have kept us all amused. Her quick responses and hystarical observations can always make me chuckle. She also has one of the best homepages I've ever seen!
Jersey Slim ....This little clown is probably the quickest wit on the net. A man who will always stand up for what he believes is right. An amazingly wise friend who can always be counted on for good advice and a smile.
Katarina....The cutest little dolphin I ever did see. Known for her sense of humor and perception, she's gonna do great things one day!
Hawkeye....A down-to-earth genuinely nice man. He rides the meanest rattlesnake in town!
Victoria2....She'll always be known as DB to me. A member of our countries finest, and a good friend who looks out for those she cares about. She's a no-nonsense kinda gal with a wicked sense of humor. Just be careful not to ask her age, unless ya mean it!
Blazer....Affectionatly nicknamed "Sproutie" by me. This man is funny and kind and a hell of a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I don't get to see him often, but I am always delighted when I do!
Handimann....A truly kind soul who will always have a special place in my heart. We've cried on each others shoulders and wiped away the tears. I care about him deeply, even if he does suck at backgammon!
Calif Biker....Rough, tough and hard to bluff. A fun guy with an evil sense of humor. If ya wanna see something amazing, ask him to show you what he can do with a cherry stem.
Silvertongued Devil....Ahhhh, this man's words can melt your heart. An amazingly talented writer who has never failed to brighten my day when I see him. Another friend I rarely get to see, but when I do....whew!
The Lady....This woman just cracks me up! She is one of the wittiest people I know. Always a pleasure to be around, gracious and caring. I'm very honored to be her friend.
CC....An extrememly intelligent and funny lady. A new friend who I am greatly enjoying getting to know.
n00dles....A wonderfully wacky pasta, who has made me laugh ohsohard in recent weeks. He is charming and quite complex and incredibly cute. For a good chuckle check out his graffiti wall
the fox....see above.....grin...
Pagan Lord....I have enjoyed spending time with this thoughtful, attractive man. He is warm and bright and pretty damn sexy. A good friend and a lot of fun.
Anysome1....He is hystarical! He can say more of nothing that somehow says everything, than anyone I've ever known. He's often the "jester" but I've seen a tender, caring side of him, also. All in all, a totally delightful man.
Spy....We have so much in common, we could be twins...(except I have way more hair!), tender and kind.....this man can make me smile when I think there are no smiles left in of my closest cyber-friends.
2 Dogs Fucking....'nuff said!..grin.. he's my hubby and I love him..... of Pagan Lord's good friends, and a truly wise man....he has helped me thru some difficult times, and his friendship means alot to me.
This is a work in progress. If you aren't mentioned, it doesn't mean I don't love ya, it just means I haven't gotten to you yet!
