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My Creativity At Work

This page will be used to display some of my sketches, poetry, and other artistic creations. Hope you like it.

--------------- The Hades_hawk_ --------------------
--------------- By Dairl Stump --------------------

I Travel On Black Wings From The Bowels Of Hell
In An Attempt To Take You There As Well.
Following My Path Through Darkness And Light
I'll Make You Put Up One Hell Of A Fight
I'll Rear My Head
And You'll Wish You Were Dead.
You'll Try To Overcome Your Fear
Staring Through Eyes Filled With Tears.
You'll Prepare To Die As You Tire
I Stare With Eyes Of Fire.
You'll Take Your Last Breathe
And Smell Your Own Death.
Your Soul Will Rise Higher
I Have Bellowed My Fire.
You Live No More
Your Body Lies burnt On The Floor.
I'll Return To The Earth
The Place Of My Birth.
I Will Now Sleep
Among The Souls I have Reaped.
I Await My Next Feed
To Be Brought By Your Greed.
I Will Continue To Wait
For You See That Is My Fate.
Until All That is Left Is Bone
The Hades_Hawk_ Is Destined To Die Alone.

The Story Behind The Poem

Well, when I was in high school, I didn't have a lot of friends. I was more of a loner. I never really let anyone into my heart. Then two days before x-mas of 1991, I wrecked my truck on the way to work. I had hit a patch of ice and lost control of the truck and ended up going into the river. I hit a tree on the way in and wrapped the box around it. Thats the only thing that kept me from going completely into the river. I was unconcious at this point, and if I had gone completely into the river, chances are I wouldn't have been here to write this now.
I regained conciousness, and the radio was still playing. It was playing the song "Stairway To Heaven." Needless to say I was freaking out. Thought for sure I was dead. Then I saw a cop and some ETMS guys. They helped me to the ambulance, and took me to the hospital. It was here that I really started to realize I wasn't dead. When I arrived at the emergency room, I started thinking about my life and started wondering if I would have been missed if I had died. This is when I decided to try to stop being the loner. And make as many friends as possible. And While I sat in the emergency room, I thought up this poem. I wrote it down a month later. Well thats the Story behind this lil poem.

Here are three sketches that I did while I was experimenting with abstract expresion. I think they are probably three of the best examples of my work. The one called Shattered Star, was an experiment using a monochromatic color scheme and balance in an abstract form. The one called Warped Ambition, was an experiment that used monochromatic color, shading, Balance, texture, and space in an abstract form. unfortunately, The textural aspect of this sketch fail to come through in this pic. State Of Confusion, was another example of balance on a monchromatic color scheme.

The following links will take you to the sketches:
Shattered Star
Warped Ambition
State Of Confusion

This piece was a rendering I did of a storefront for a class project. The project was to create a storefront for a business of our choosing. I had a couple of ideas going for me, like a comic book dealer or a toy store, but I decided to do a store front for a Warner Brother's Store. It involved taking an existing building design, and then developing a display for the windows and develop the color strategies that would be used. This was more or less just an exercise in the use of color for rendering. I was very happy with the way this turned out, so I decided to put it on here for the world to see.
So, here it is, my Warner Brother's Storefront.

I also did a few projects dealing with material integation and interaction. This is basically where you take what ever scrap material you have lying around and put it together to for an interesting sculpture or relief. I have done two of these, a 10" x 10" relief and a 20" x 36" relief.

The small relief was constructed of wood, Foam Pipe Insulation, A spray insulation that formed into a yellow blob when applied, a metal electrical bracket and a piece of aluminum flashing. Go to this link to see this Material Integration

Then there is my human torso. I was told to design a human torso using any material I chose and express it in any style I wanted to. I chose to use an abstract style that created an interior void and filled with holes to let the light shine through. I chose to filter the light through to the void to symbolize filling a body void of feelings full of the light of love. Weird huh? Not exactly my usual archaic style, but I liked the result. This is my Human Torso.

This is a poem that was written by my good friend Wet. It come straight from her heart, and it is very very touching and heart felt. It was written for a friend that was having a real hard time, and expresses in rhyme exactly what I was feeling about the situation. Its called My Friend Don't Go.

This is my latest attempt at writing poetry. I was sitting in Yahoo Chat and it was suddenly on my mind. It was definitely weird. I was sitting there chatting, not really thinking about anything, and then this poem was in my head. I felt compelled to write it down. So, i left chat and typed it out on my word processing program. Still had it in my head for days. Well... here it is.


Some say it is inside us
I know not why.
It eats at us
The weak say hide.
I stand and fight
But I know not why.
This is the question I ask myself.
Should I reveal the timmid elf
Or brandish the soul of the hawk?
Should it be controlled or mastered?
Do I fight or do I hide?
There has to be a reason.
But I know not why.
Was I born of God or am I the Devil's pride?
What is it that I fear?
What am I to think of this?
Should I be allowed to feel bliss?
What sort of man should I be?
Is this what god had planned for me?
These are the questions I ask myself.
Should I fight or should I hide?
I think I will ask til I die.

Hope You like what you've seen here so far. See ya soon. If ya haven't already done so, Please sign my guestbook.

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