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Grizzly Bear

This dreams starts with me on a boat with a few friends from the net. IansRose, Kisses_Of_Emeralds, Sweetie, Flowerchild, Angel_In_the_Mist, and GaurdianBeast were there. We brought the boat near the shore and decided to go for a walk through the woods. We came to a clearing and A huge grizzly was there snarling and roaring at us. I took one last puff on my cigarette and tld Beast to get the girls back to the boat. I would handle the bear. Then I dropped my cigarette and put it out with my foot, looked at Beast, then I ran straight for the bear and tackled it. The bear fell, I backed off and took a fighting stance. The bear came at me and I ducked under its mighty blows. Then I threw a few of my own. Then, I heard Beast blowing the horn on the boat. That was the signal I gave him to let me know they were safe in the water. Then I kicked the bear hard enough to send it falling backwards then I took off running with the bear following me all the way I ran up the side of the mountin and the bear followed intent on killing me. I was at the edge of the cliff, the water below, and the bear was advancing and I was too tired to fight any more. So I dove off the cliff and grabbed a vine and swung out to deeper water and flipped in the air before hitting the water. My friends watched this from the boat. They were all on one side looking for me to emerge in the water. I came up on the other side and while they had thier backs to me, I climbed into the boat silently and grabbed a beer, opened it and said "Can we go home now?"

I know what your thinking. This is a little crazy huh? One man taking on a wild grizzly and then living through it and then asking calmly if he could go home now? But I never claimed to be sane. Did I? LOL Hope you enjoyed this look into my sub-concious. LOL
