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Welcome to the Realm of the Hades_Hawk

Greetings All, Welcome To My Home Page!

I am the Hades_Hawk_ and this is my domain. I adjourn here to think of those things I hold dear, and to offer anyone that is interested a lil info about myself and the things i like. Just a warning though, although my name may make you think that I am evil or a trouble maker, that is not who I am. Most people would describe me as being a nice guy. Hell most of them call me sweet. Though to be honest I never thought of myself as being sweet. But at any rate, I hope you enjoy your time on my page.

MY chat name actually comes from my nickname being added to a name from greek mythology that i thought sounded cool together. LOL. I have always had an interest in mythology. So, I thought I would invent a character, that seemed as evil as my name sounds.I just made a few adjustments here and there to make him a little more interesting. I feel that the Hades_hawk_ is possibly one of my greatest creations. Eventually I hope to write a comic book or actual novel involving the Hawk character I invented.

I have always had a great interest in art and in design. I love to work with all mediums and really enjoy doing anything that envolves Art. My preference has always been to sketch. Just taking a pencil and sheet of paper and sketching what I see within my mind's eye. I often work in an abstract style, but I enjoy all styles. I have a great passion for art and dream of someday using this passion to bring a little more beauty to this world. Who knows, maybe one of my creative works will do just that.

I also take great pride in my family and my friends. I love them all. And what better to take pride in than love? I have also made a photo album to display pictures of me and chat friends I have met in real life.

This is a section of my page that I created to show off some of my friends proudest moments. I call it My Drunken Tubbers Page

I have joined some Webrings. So I created this section to display them. I have recieved a few Awards. So, I created this section to display them. I have also created some awards of my own. If you would like one of these awards, you must click here to apply. Good Luck. >=)

Due to a chat I had recently with a close friend about dreams, I have come to realize that people find dreams interesting. So, I have decided to put a few of my dreams down for people to read. I hope you enjoy my dreams. I also Hope you don't think I am too much of a psycho after you read them.

I'm still under construction, so stop back in to visit again! I,m hoping to have a very interesting web page going soon. In the meantime any comments would be welcome! You can e-mail me at

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