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Mountain Sunset

This dream starts with me sitting at a bar wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, boots and black sunglasses. I look over at a bar table and see my friend Flyingmoons sitting there talking to some guy. I turn back to the bar and tell the bartender that I am buying her a drink and to tell her its from the Hawk. As he is taking her the drink, I start to leave. He gives it to her and points to me as I walk to the door. I got on my bike and start to leave. Then I see her come out of the bar and see me leaving on my Harley. She got into her car and started to follow. I was moving really fast and she could hardly keep up with me. I headed into the mountains and parked on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Then I got off the bick and walked over to a rock and she walked up and sat down next to me. Then I put my arm around her and we watched the sunset over the ocean. Then we looked into eack others eyes and shared a passionate kiss. Then I woke up.

Pretty crazy huh? if you have a translation for this dream or you have an idea concerning the meaning of it that you want to share, please let me know about it. You can either sign my guestbook and tell me or send me an email about it.

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