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T-Rex Attack

In this dream, I am driving as fast as I can in my Escort. I have a T-Rex chasing me and he is starting to catch up with me. I keep looking in my rear view mirror, seeing him getting closer and closer. Sweat is streaming down my face as fear sets in. Then I see a second T-Rex standing in my path. I'm forced to stop my car. Then I see the T-Rex's start nudging the car with thier snouts. Then without warning they attach the car, tearing it to shreads. I don't actually get to see myself die in this dream, but I know I couldnt have survived that viscious attack. The dream ends with the two T-Rex's standing over the destroyed car roaring out thier pleasure at a sucessful kill. The I woke up.

Pretty crazy huh? if you have a translation for this dream or you have an idea concerning the meaning of it that you want to share, please let me know about it. You can either sign my guestbook and tell me or send me an email about it.

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