Chapter 11
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Chapter 11

The next morning, Trina awoke to someone shaking her. She reluctently opened her eyes to find Avie by her side, "Mom wants you to get up now." "What time is it?" Trina asked, not remembering what had happened that morning. "It's 11:30. Some people are here to talk to you." "About what?" "Don't you remember? You woke everyone up this morning, yelling and cring," Avie explained. "You mean that really happened? It wasn't a dream?" "It was real, all right! Come on, Trina. Get up!" she said,pulling Trina to her feet. "Ok, ok. I'm coming." When they got downstairs, Trina found a man she reconized from the news and another man with him, probably a reporter, sitting around the table along with Diana, Walker, Isaac, Taylor and Zac. "Good morning, Trina!" Diana said, "did you sleep Ok?" "Yeah, I guess." "Good. Trina could we ask you a few questions?" one of the men asked. "Sure." "Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Rick and this is Greg." "Nice to meet you." "You too. All right, let's get started." The questioning went on for about twenty minutes, but to Trina it seemed like two hours. At the end, Greg said, "We would like to take you back to Oklahoma City." "Why? Why can't I stay here? They're my real family anyway." "Trina, why don't you just go....." Walker began. "No I don't want to! And why did you guys have to come today?" she said turning her attention to Rick and Greg, "I just found out about it this morning, for goodness sakes! What are you tring to do, make me even more upset? Because if you are, you are deffinately succeeding! Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm giong for a walk!" she said as she got up and walked to the. "Wait! I'll go with you!" Zac said following her. "No!" Trina said pushing him back. "Zac, let her be alone for a while," Walker said. "I was just tring to be helpful." "I know and she'll apprciate it more when she calms down." Trina walked along the sidewalk, now wishing she had let Zac come with her. Then, as if he could read her mind, she spotted him walking towards her. "Can I walk with you or are you gonna push me again?" he said, almost laughing. "No, and what's so funny?" "Every's talking about you!" "Why?" "That guy Rick, told everyone today on the 12 o' clock news that you were our sister!" "Oh, man! I guess I was so upset about my parents, I didn't notice. I'm sooo embarrassed now!" "What are you saying? You're embarrassed to be my sister?" Zac said,pretendong to be sad. "No, that's not how I ment it. I ment... oh nevermind!" They walked around for a while, stopped at the arcade and then Zac insisted that they get something from the local party store, his treat. When they got home, Walker said, "We're going to Oklahoma City tomorrow, so we can get you're stuff." "All right, I guess I have to go sometime!" Trina said, obviosly happier now that she and Zac had talked!

