Chapter 14
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Chapter 14

Trina woke up earlier than anyone else and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Trina still couldn’t believe all that had happened in the last two days, she would say, “This is all a dream!” over and over to herself. At that point, Jessie came into the kitchen looking for some breakfast and company. “I have been awake for an hour or so and was kinda bored, I heard someone here in the kitchen and thought I would come down to see who it was.” She sat down next to Trina on the bar of the counter and got herself a bowl of Pops. “I know loosing Mr. and Mrs. Kelser and your sister is very hard on you and I know I’m not an older sister but I will try to be the best younger sister you’ve ever had!” At this, Trina gave Jessie a hug, saying, “You and Avie are the only younger sisters I have ever had!” They both laughed and then Taylor, Ike, and Sam came in with Zac following them at a snails pace. “What’s wrong, Zac? You don’t look like your normal self.” Before Zac could say anything, Ike cut in whispering to Trina, “He takes a full 5 minutes after waking up to recharge himself.” As he said, in 5 minutes Zac was his usual self and singing everything like, “Please pass the milk” or “What are we doing today”. A few minutes later, Walker and Diana came in with Mackie and Avie. After Diana got Mac and Ave set up, she told Trina that Rick and Greg would be over in a few minutes with a lawyer..... “A lawyer? What do we need a lawyer for?” Trina cut in before Diana could finish her sentence. “Well, it seems that we don’t have legal right to keep you without permission from your parents or one of your adopted relatives or proof that we’re your biological famliy.” “Well, what about my birth certificate?” “We thought of that, but it seems we gave it to Mr. and Mrs. Kelser when they adopted you and we have no idea about it’s whereabouts,” Walker said, “we also need to find their Will so we can find out what they want to happen to you.” “Trina?” Trina turned and looked at Diana, “would you happen to know where they ketp that kind of stuff?” Trina thought for a moment, “OOOOhhhh, yeah! I do know where they keep that kind of stuff. There is a safe in my parents room about the headboard of the bed, I think it’s hidden behind the picture of my sister and I.” Zac, who had been listening quietly at this point, really came to life! “Man, I thought safes like those were only in the movies,” he exclaimed excitedly, “let’s go look!” They all ran upstairs and jumped onto the bed and watched as Trina carefully removed the picture to reveal a nice 2 foot by 2 foot grey safe. “Do you know the combination?” asked Isaac. “Um, yeah, I think so.” She thought for a second, “oh, yeah. I think I got it.” Ever so slowly, she turned the nob to the left to 8, the right to 5, then left again to 10, and then back right to 2. “These were our lucky numbers at the time,” Trina put in, so they wouldn’t have to ask. When the door opened, everyone crowded around it to see what was inside. “It’s empty!” Zac cried. “I don’t believe it! I know that’s where they kept that kind of stuff!” cried an astonished Trina. “Did they give the combination to anyone?” Walker asked. “Yeah, my grandparents.” “Hi, sweetheart!” someone called form behind. Trina turned on her heel to find Louise Kelser smiling in the doorway. “Grandma!” Trina said, running over and hugging her, “it’s so good to see you!” “It’s nice to see you, too,” Louise said, hugging her back. Then she turned her attention to Walker and Diana, “it’s been a while, hasn’t it? You do remember me, don’t you?” “Of, course we do!” Diana said, hugging her, then Walker did the same. "So, what are you guys doing here?" Louise asked. "Well," began Trina, "we were looking for the Kelser's Will, but it's not here. We can't find my birth certificate either." "Why do you need those? We all know that you're Jordan's sister." "Yes, but we need proof. And Grandma, he goes by Taylor." "Sorry Taylor. Well, your Grandpa and I have a copy of your birth certificate, but I have know idea where the Will is. Your grandpa is at a hotel in town, so why don't we take a road trip to our house tomorrow." "Why are you guys staying in a hotel?" Zac spoke up. "We're here to clean the house up to put it on the market," Louise explained. "Oh, ok." "Ok, so why don't you meet us here tomorrow morning at 9 o' clock," Walker suggested. "Ok, that's sounds good. Bye Trina." Louise gave her a kiss on the check. "Bye, grandma."

