I'm dedicating this site to a few special
1.) For my GRANDMOTHER, the only one I ever
I loved her alot.She passed away in February '98.
The friends I've made have helped me to deal with losing my Grandma.
I REALLY miss her......:-(
2.) For my son, Joey.
3.) For my Best Friend for Life...Brian
I love them both soooo Much!
I've spent many late nights working on these
I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit to
my little space on the web. 8-)
I REALLY surprised myself, doing this...
Amazingly enough I did it all on my own......
4.)To all of the friends I've made online. I cherish you. Some but not all are listed here.

Woodrose, Darksithlord, VampireAttitude,
peeeepers, kimsel,
BassChick, Celeste__32, STPfreak, hRobins1,
unlapin, n8,
Metallica_Freak, throwingstones, metcru,
Leviathan666, Worm86, JCC1014,
LordGoth, Aerosmith20, Metalpig, Puppy,
Marilyn057, Firesheep,
BibbFortuna, Hornet,
Natures_Kiss, fr185, Yamo, Mikey_G......
and all of my Monarchy/Evernight Friends as well. I luv yas all.
REMEMBER~~~> Friends ARE Forever.....