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This page is devoted to everyone we owe. First off, we'd like to thank our parents for having us, our families for supporting us, and our friends for being there for us.

We'd also like to say "What Up" to Bottomed Out, My Complex, Half Moon, Gumshoe 49,Wafflehouse, Vellum (Who gave us our First Show)(R.I.P), Pro Car Wash, The Pump 2 crew, The 1-2 Crew (Represent!!), Premonition skateboards, The Denny's Crew, The Troy Boys, and of course, all the ladies in the house, and Shannon, cuz she is cool. To anyone we forgot, we're sorry. You know who you are, let us know and we'll gladly add you to the list.

We would also like to thank you for coming to our site and checking us out. THANKS!!!

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