and that would be, that would be the most horrible thing
i'd, i'd lay frozen even if i didn't have to be
frozen in fear, fear and...
oh just so much pain
i'd cry for forever and
then go...go anywhere by to my bed -
too frightening there, too frightening
to have that, that which you were saving
saving so dearly - SO dearly
so wretchedly, crudely, greusomely
taken, taken away
that would be the most horrible thing
to be left
all alone
not even your own bed a friend
a closet better
all alone
to tell would be...oh...
shame - oh!
i wouldn't want the tears
i would want the fists,
the breaking bones,
the painful screams
of the one who did this
who defiled me
forever, forever defiled me
left me, dropped me, took away
all, all that was sure
known, close to me