Half Moon

"Right of Way" is the much anticipated debut cd from Detroit's Half Moon (Charlie, the guitarist/singer has made several contributions to our columns section). This band has been around the local scene making noise for a few years now, and has released several demo tapes. Half Moon is a punk ska band with tight catchy songs. For me, the highlight of this album is the bass playing. Andy, Half Moons bassist is absolutely incredible. You can definitely hear a Red Hot Chili Peppers influence in all his bass lines.

There are 9 songs on this cd, all of which are very good. My personal favorite track is "Alright", which has one of those "yeah yeah yeah yeah" sing-a-long choruses. This is one of those cds that you just can't help but to tap your feet along with. The band also gets extra props for their mention of "I'm Like Yeah" in their thank you list.

I give this album an A
