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Lyrically Speaking Webmaster's page

Hi Everyone,

It's Adrian, Lyrically Speaking's webmaster here. Some of you have written in to me since the beginning of the website, asking when and how I became a Culture Club fan - now, after what has just been two years since the biggest band of all time (in my opinion, anyway - and should be everyone's opinion!) reunited, produced three amazing singles and a fantastic all-new album, and have embarked on a world tour which has already seen them visit the UK, Singapore, Australia and Japan, and shortly, the US. I have decided I should do this open letter to answer your queries and to add that *extra* touch of personality to my site.

OK - so picture this - it's Melbourne, Australia in the middle-to-late parts of '83 - I'm 5 years old and I've already been driving my mum mad with the Dolly Parton/Kenny Rogers song 'Islands In The Stream' (don't ask me why)- every time that song would come on the radio, my 60 minute tape would find its way into the tape recorder and be recording it - 'Tape it, Ma, quick, tape it!' - when a song called 'Karma Chameleon' also found its way onto this tape... that was the beginning of an admiration, that most people around me call an obsession. Call it what you will, I am certain this site will NOT, under any circumstances, see the last of my attraction to Culture Club!

Yes, it was only the beginning - my Aunty Joan and cousins Sharon and Claude had the Culture Club album 'Colour By Numbers', and every opportunity I had when I was there was spent listening, singing and bouncing around their house to the beats of such songs like 'It's A Miracle', 'Church of The Poison Mind' and 'Mister Man'. I must have sung these and most other Culture Club songs a thousand times by now, with such detail at times to even include the '...yeah, emotion' bit from right at the end of 'It's A Miracle'! My Aunty Joan recently sent me sound files of me singing Karma Chameleon and It's A Miracle, which I won't even threaten to put up on this site or anywhere else for that matter! Was I that dreadful!

Then Culture Club came on what was their only visit to Australia (at the time) in July 1984. I can recall waking up at 6 one morning to watch the live telecast of the guys' arrival in Sydney, then days later, staying up way past my bedtime to watch the simulcast concert on the last date of the tour. I dreamt of my posters coming to life, with George singing in front of me...

Then followed the tape of the Kissing To Be Clever album - any arguments with my parents saw a blasting of Do You Really Want To Hurt Me coming from my bedroom moments later - and my walls covered with posters and little pictures everywhere of my favourite band - my teacher, Mrs Adams, accidentally threw out a magazine that had a Culture Club article in it that I desperately wanted, and after I expressed my deepest disappointment, she bought me a full Culture Club magazine!

When my cousin Suzanne came down from Brisbane that Christmas on holidays, she bought me the Boy George doll and the Waking Up With The House On Fire album - I can recall spinning around the house with 'Boy George' to the song 'Dangerous Man' which I would sing six years later in a Talent Quest at high school and win 'best song'... 'The War Song' saw me screaming it onto cassette tape, as did 'Move Away' two years later...

My favourite band broke up not long after the release of Move Away, and of course I was devastated. How do you explain to an 8 year old what drugs are, and why George was looking so terrible? I was relieved and happy to see George bounce back with a solo career.

I have followed George's career since, and don't get me wrong, I love everything he's done from 'Everything I Own' to 'Why Go' and beyond, but there's a magic there with Culture Club that George's solo music hasn't fully captured yet - maybe it's Roy's musical knowledge in writing the great melodies out, maybe it's Mikey's smooth, smooth playing of the bass or even Jon's energetic drumming (listen to the extended mixes of I'll Tumble 4 Ya or The War Song for what I mean about the drumming) - but if anyone knows what the secret recipe for Culture Club's music is, bottle it - I'm sure you could make millions!

My next wave of Culture Club / Boy George obsession came in 1990. For my 12th birthday I got my first record player and proceeded to blow my savings on whichever Culture Club / Boy George records I could find, and I became introduced to the B-Sides, 'new' songs I hadn't heard yet, to which this day are some of my favourites: Don't Go Down That Street, Mystery Boy and the '87 version of I Pray.

Due to my age, I missed out on seeing George in concert during his 1989 tour, so when I had heard that he was going to do a DJing tour in 1995, there was no way I could miss this!

My mum and I bought tickets and went early on the evening of March 12, not knowing when George was going to appear... I took a bag full of records, record and CD sleeves for him to sign if I had the chance to meet him...

So, there we were, just after dinner, when I hear this voice that sounded oddly familiar, I turned for a second and the fellow standing not more than a couple of metres away also looked familiar... it clicked - it was George! George looked as gorgeous as he always does, and wore black with a red beret (and not a trace of makeup), my mum and I went up and met him, I presented my records, to which he said 'There's a lot here, I'll have to take them with me - don't worry, you'll get them back' (which I did, and called him when he was doing a radio interview a couple of days later to say thank you properly!).

I had my picture taken with him, as did my mum, but the only picture that didn't develop was the one of George and I! It is only recently, roughly four and a half years later, that I came across the negative, and upon the suggestion of one of my friends, decided to get a reprint and see what would come out - as you can see, it came out brilliantly!

I also saw George DJ again in 1997 - I took two films worth of pictures of him throughout his whole set, despite the complaints by security to stop! George got a little annoyed with me (which I understand he would, everytime he looked my way, and sometimes when he wasn't looking my way, I clicked!) and stuck his tongue out at me in a couple of shots, which I didn't know about on the night but got a surprise when I developed the photos!

From what you've read so far, you could only imagine my surprise and delight when I learnt that Culture Club were reuniting! To say that I was thrilled is an understatement!

Which brings me to this website - I really wanted to do a Culture Club / Boy George site, but didn't know exactly which way to go with it. I couldn't do a site that had news, being in Australia usually means that I'm the LAST to know about anything George-related. I looked at other sites and found that what a lot of them were lacking were song lyrics. Sure, most had the big hits and some album tracks and B-sides, but it took a lot of searching to find ALL the lyrics you were looking for - with that said, my site doesn't have everything yet (and may never - due to the amount of unreleased songs), but you would agree that I'm getting there...

So that's how Lyrically Speaking was born - and it has been a great time so far. I've had the privilege of meeting other fans through my email, some of whom have become my best friends, where I can discuss not only George stuff with them, but the goings-on in our everyday lives. I can say I've even met a few fans now, which was a pleasure! My most exciting moment since starting 'L.S' was last year's collaboration with Global Culture in creating the 'Unreleased Culture Club Lyrics' page! You can't imagine how great the feeling is after hearing from someone in the know - Alison Hay, Roy's ex-wife - that you've done a good job! I hope that there will be more events in Lyrically Speaking's history that will top that though!

I can happily say I got the new Culture Club album, 'Don't Mind If I Do', just before the end of 1999, which I had to pay almost double the price for because it wasn't released in Australia at the time (thus, being an import), and reliving the excitement that a new Culture Club album brings! Hopefully it can be released in the US soon.

And then there's the February 2000 Australian tour in which I got to see Culture Club live and meet them too! Prior to their arrival, I drove everyone around me crazy, myself included! I entered the competition held by the local newspaper to meet George Jon, Mikey & Roy in person. The condition of the competition was to photograph yourself in a way that will show you as the 'ultimate' Culture Club fan. One of my favourite video clip scenes is the one at the end of It's A Miracle, where George is in the middle of all those newspapers, records and television screens. I've always hoped that my bedroom would look like that someday - I think I've come pretty close - what do you think?

With the photos, I sent a two-page letter (or should that be essay?) detailing why I should win, and recounted some of the stories about how I accumulated the memorabilia you see in the pictures. For example, I bought the It's A Miracle cut-out in a record fair, which I had to carry in the hour-long train ride home, much to the amusement of the others in my train carriage! Pity the poor person that went through my entry!

I read the competition entry a couple of days before it was announced and thought there was no chance of me winning! I was wrong... I was thrilled and surprised to learn that I won the competition. And there was more good news. I was told that there would be a 2nd Melbourne concert, which I had won tickets for!

On February 24th 2000, I managed to find out the name of the hotel where Culture Club were staying through some last-minute detective work. They were arriving in Melbourne that afternoon, in time for their recently announced 'second' concert! (which was actually before their first!)

Out of complete coincidence, my friend Belinda, who works near the hotel, ran into me outside the complex. We went into the post office and completed the errand she had to do for work. We then made our way to the hotel's entrance, when I noticed this burgundy coach pull up a few metres in front of us. I tried to peek inside... I spotted John Themis, collaborator on most of George's solo work and guitarist extraodinare! "Um, Belinda, It's them! It's their bus!" "How do you know?" "I recognised one of the band!"...

At this stage, my heart was ticking like a bomb about to explode. Gee, I hope I don't faint! The bus door opened. Tony Gordon came out first "That's their manager" I said to Belinda. A few of the band walked out - including Zee, Linda and John Themis. Then George walked out. "It's him!"

George looked amazing, although he was casually dressed in sunglasses, a dark leafy-green coloured top and army camouflage pants, and wearing minimal make-up. "George" we shouted out. He turned and looked our way. "Welcome to Australia!" Belinda shouted. "Welcome to Melbourne, George!" I shouted out. "Oh hello there, thank you" George said and smiled, walking in through the hotel entrance and walking up the escalator. I saw Mikey, looking smart and casual in a white shirt and black pants, and Roy with his new-look black & purple hair. He was also wearing a white shirt and black pants...They didn't look our way, I would have liked to have said hello... I said goodbye to Belinda, who had to get to work, and decided to wait outside the hotel (It was another good hour before I was to meet my cousin Sharon, who was coming to the concert with me)

I missed seeing Jon leave the coach and wondered if he was on there. He was, and I managed to see him a little later on, in a checkered top and black shorts. Gee, he's short in real life!

George walked out and got into a taxi with, I presume, one of his assistants. I learned that George had gone on a little shopping trip in Chapel Street (in Prahran, a very trendy fashion-type street) and was in a bad mood - he had cancelled his Melbourne media commitments.

After meeting Sharon and having drinks at the bar within the hotel complex, she wanted to freshen up, to which I joked that while she was in the rest room, George would appear. I was right! George walked in. I asked George "George, do you mind if I take a photo?" "Oh, alright then" Eeeeek! Did I do something wrong? "Well, do you want to be in the photo or not?" he bellowed. I was upset that I caught him in a bad mood. "OK" I said, standing next to him while handing my camera to one of his assistants. I reached out my hand to put it on his shoulder. "Is it OK?" I asked. "Yeah, whatever"... The assistant took the photo and they walked off. George came back to go up the escalator. My cousin came out of the restroom. "Sharon, you're not going to believe this!" "What, he came out didn't he?" "Look up the escalator, that's him in the army pants!" Sharon looked up "Wow, he looks different in real life!"... I was telling her how he was in a bad mood. She told me not to take it personally.

Sharon and I made our way to the Metro nightclub, where the concert was later taking place... we managed to be early in the queue and managed to get a spot near the right of the stage, just metres away from Roy's microphone... I never thought I'd get to see my first Culture Club concert this close! (I thought how great the photos were going to be!).

There was almost a two-hour wait until the concert began. In the meantime, I was thrilled to meet some of the people I've been corresponding with via email. There was Joshua, looking every bit as colourful animated as his 'Dreams of A Freak' site (see the Links page), the lovely Susannah and her boyfriend Rohan, Jason from Adelaide, and Jo, who was very sweet and who I ended up standing with throughout the concert. (My cousin opted to sit back a little further on the stairs)...

Throughout the wait, we were treated to an '80's music compilation, a big cheer coming from the crowd when a song called Karma Chameleon floated from the speakers. Maybe you've heard of it!

Just after 9.30, the lights were dimmed, and the band walked out, everybody looking as fabulous as they always have in pictures and videos I've seen: backing vocalists Zee and Linda looking lovely in a dark red dress and a sequinned black dress and beaded headpiece respectively, John Themis in black with cowboy hat, Mikey wearing a colourful screen-print top, Roy was in a casual black suit and Jon in black t-shirt and pants. The opening strains of Black Comedy began and George walked out, barefoot with blue toenails, wearing a feathered headpiece, feather boa and the sequinned black outfit which was premiered two months earlier at the beginning of Culture Club's UK "Club Sandwich" tour...

Black Comedy moved well into I'll Tumble 4 Ya. At the end of Tumble, George said "Hello Melbourne, you never thought you'd see us again. I didn't think we'd ever speak to each other again, let alone be on a stage together. I would say that's a miracle" and that, of course, was the cue to start It's A Miracle. George also joked about the tragic 80's music we were listening to before they came on stage. Following It's A Miracle was Mirror, Everything I Own and Sign Language, which were all performed brilliantly. George was having problems with the sound, mentioning he felt like he was miming!

George introduced I Just Wanna Be Loved "as a classic overseas, but here in Australia, the radio stations wouldn't play it, so it's still a new song to you". The band cleared the stage, leaving Roy, George and Zee to do a version of That's The Way which could only be described as breathtaking. Zee's voice shone through at the end and the crowd cheered as she did the "I'm Only Trying To Help You" bit at the end. The band came back and played "their first hit" - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me. At the end of Do You Really..., George said 'Good night' and the band cleared the stage. To chants of "We want George", they came out again and played an amazing version of Church of The Poison Mind. After hearing it live, I am certain that Church Of The Poison Mind is now my favourite song! Zee finished Church with a very long solo that almost blew my eardrums! (After all, I was standing next to the speaker). George told Zee "ooh, you scare me" to which she replied "I scare everyone"...

"Good night Melbourne, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a chameleon" was how George introduced Karma Chameleon. That got some strange looks from Roy and Mikey, expecting another song to be introduced. Karma Chameleon turned out to be the last song - George had reportedly stormed off stage and the guys had no choice but to go with him.

The girl at the left of me managed to climb on stage and snatch Roy's set list for the night. George's bad mood stopped them from playing Move Away, Miss Me Blind, Victims and Starman. And considering that Your Kisses Are Charity and Cold Shoulder were released as promo singles to coincide with the tour, it seems that these were another couple of unnecessary omissions. And where was Time (Clock Of The Heart)? It wasn't even on the set list!

To me, the concert was absolutely flawless! (and I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan). George's voice was as beautiful as I expected, the band played brilliantly, my ears still ringing as I recall Zee's voice. I was sure that tomorrow's show would be better, if that was possible! And I was going to meet them!

I still hadn't known until just before leaving for the last Melbourne concert on the 25th if a meeting with Culture Club would even take place. I talked to Chrissie, the tour's publicist, who told me that I was going to meet them after the concert, and that I also had a press pass (which we had discussed in earlier correspondence) in which I could take photographs!

I arrived at the concert venue with my mum and best friend, and left them seated while I made my way through the merchandise stalls, buying some goodies to add to my collection! (although there wasn't that much to choose from, mind you) With my shopping done, we found our seats, and not long after that, local '80's group Pseudo Echo did a 30 minute set, performing some of their hits from the '80's - which I must admit only sounded vaguely familiar to me, but sounded good regardless.

The Village People were introduced to the crowd after a 15 minute break. All the hits were there and done very well - Macho Man, In The Navy, Can't Stop The Music, Go West and, of course, Y.M.C.A. The lesser-known songs and a "Disco Trash" medley made their set drag on a bit, with their eighty minute set feeling like it went for at least two hours.

With Y.M.C.A playing (the last Village People song), it was my cue to meet Warren, who would give me my press & backstage passes... I made my way down to the box office at the front of the centre, and met him. He opened the 'staff only' door.

I followed him through the maze of corridors and doors, passing some interesting rooms...'Culture Club common room', 'Culture Club backstage area'... I wondered if I would see anyone?

Sticking on the press pass Warren gave me, I followed him and the other photographers (I think I was the only amateur photographer!) to the area between the audience and the stage. I took my place slightly left of centre, when someone called out to me. I turned.

"Hi, you're Adrian, aren't you?" It was Dawn and Julie, dubbed the 'Insane Two', who had travelled from the UK to see the guys in Singapore, then Melbourne and Sydney, and were following them for the Japanese shows that followed the Australian tour.

After discussing how Singapore's concert was ("we almost got in trouble for breathing" because of the strict security) and George's media cancellations, they told me to hold tight to the press pass, as someone could easily steal it! I got worried for a second there, and hoped that it wouldn't happen...

I got my camera ready as the lights were dimmed. Jon came out and waved to the crowd. Mikey made his way to his spot on the stage, as did Roy, Zee, Linda, John Themis and the rest of the band.

Mikey wore a brown striped top, with knee-high leather boots and a black/grey kilt. This proved a comedy point through the night, with Roy and George both trying to lift it up! Roy was in a black jacket and pants with a red long-sleeved top underneath. Jon was in black t-shirt and pants, with a leather jacket which he took off just before sitting at the drums...

Black Comedy began as George came out, looking identical to the previous night, right down to the barefeet and painted toenails. I was clicking like crazy, with each photo taking longer to click - the battery was dying, and dying fast! I hoped it would hold out, as there were still the pictures of me meeting the guys to worry about! I kept clicking as best I could, which made it difficult to get the shots I wanted.

Black Comedy mixed brilliantly into I'll Tumble 4 Ya again, with not that many differences to the previous night. At ...Tumble's conclusion, George welcomed the crowd, and made reference to the terribly hot, humid weather "How can you stand it?" (If you're reading this George, I still don't know how!) and joked about when the they toured the first time, they had free publicity by the negative comments about them by the Reverend Fred Nile.

They launched into It's A Miracle, while my camera still slowly clicked. Despite the low battery, I still managed to take just under 2 rolls of film. At It's A Miracle's conclusion, I was ushered by Warren to a side entrance and was instructed to come to the open area, via the side entrance, once the show was finished.

I noticed almost immediately that my press pass had disappeared from my chest. (It would have fallen off though, and not been stolen!)

I missed 'Mirror' while Warren obtained another pass for me. Phew! I was worried that I wouldn't get to meet the guys at all! I made it to my seat in time for the first chorus of Everything I Own, which sounded similar to the version George recorded for the 'Devil In Sister George' EP in '94.

The concert ran in the same order, thankfully, as the official set list I viewed last night. And with no omissions, unless you count Cold Shoulder and Your Kisses Are Charity!

Sign Language was introduced as "a song about indulgence", and with the only reference to George's weight "and you know I never indulge myself"

I Just Wanna Be Loved was introduced along the same lines as last night's, with the added "Australian Radio Sucks" thrown in for good measure. The percussion on it sounded great.

Zee got applause throughout That's The Way, Move Away was very poppy - I love the way George says "Justice Right" in the little bit after the 2nd chorus.

Do You Really Want To Hurt Me had a great introduction. "Whatever your shape, size, creed, colour, religion... whatever, love is the most important emotion you can feel. And, as everybody feels love, everybody feels pain, feels hurt." George added that, "in the beginning, Culture Club never aimed for world domination, that it was just a big thing to have a record out!" He recalled the arguments he had with the record company because he was reluctant in releasing Do You Really, and that, in the end, it turned out to be the song that "got the ball rolling for us".

He asked if there were any gays in the audience. He received a loud cheer. "Are there any lesbians in the audience?" got a relatively low cheer. "We're going to have to up that quota by the next time we come" George replied. "Are there any heterosexuals in the audience" got a punch in the air from Roy and the loudest cheer. "God bless you" George quipped, adding "after all, it takes two of you to make one of us".

Church Of The Poison Mind was performed with twice as much energy from the previous night! Church of The Poison Mind and Miss Me Blind got the biggest cheers from the audience at that point, especially when Roy played his guitar solo in Miss Me Blind. George said 'good night' and the band proceeded to leave the stage. The lights were dimmed.

About two minutes later, George and the band returned to stage, and George changed from his feathered headress and into a gold hat "That's better, it's a lot lighter and less hot" and launched into 'Victims'.

What made this concert more special than the last night's was the atmosphere created by the very-enthusiastic audience and the lighting. Victims highlighted these points well - the lights were dimmed, and the audience showed their delight and approval by waving cigarette lighters throughout.

"Anyone here a Bowie fan?" George asked, before mentioning that Bowie was the one that introduced him to drag and launching into Starman. It got a good repsonse, and so did the last song, which was introduced again as "I'm a, I'm a, I'm a chameleon!" I was thrilled that George was pointing to me in the last "I'm a man" bit...

With the concert finished way too soon for my liking, my mum and I made our way to the backstage area, meeting Warren in the area highlighted by him earlier. He led us into the "Culture Club common room" and told us to make ourselves welcome to the coffee, tea, water and soft drinks there. A couple of minutes later, a group of people who I'd swear were mostly younger than me, entered the room. It didn't seem that they were here to see Culture Club - none of them were wearing t-shirts or had anything with them (like the tour book) that looked like they were fans.

Zee came in and sat next to the coffee machine, and was talking to a group of people. As far as I could tell, she was still dressed in her stage outfit, a long black dress, and black shoes with pencil-thin high heels. She seemed soft in appearance and calm in the way she spoke - the complete opposite to her stage persona.

Linda was the next to enter the common room, and mentioned what I had noticed before - that everyone in the room was so young! She was also wearing what she wore on stage that night... I noticed how tiny she was, almost pixie-like in appearance. She didn't stay in the common room for much longer than a minute.

John Themis came in the room, looking for a young girl. She was sitting at left of me and stood up to talk to John. It turns out that she is his god-niece, and they had a lengthy talk about the family. I tried not to listen in, and managed to avoid most of the conversation. I did hear John mention that he was born in Melbourne though!

Just then Mikey walked in the room and looked around for a second. He asked "So who were the competition winners?" He was looking for me! At least he didn't have to look far - I was in front of him! "It was me, Mikey! I'm Adrian, and this is my mum" "Hi Adrian, and hello Mum! So, how did you win the competition, Adrian?" I explained that I wrote a long letter and took photos for the competition. "And I run this Internet site" pointing to my t-shirt. "Aaaah, Lyrically Speaking. Tell me about it". So I mentioned how I'd been running this site for a year and a half, that my site has all their lyrics, lots of pictures, magazine covers and so on (other than the lyrics, you can find everything else at Cyber Chameleon - see Main page). Mikey continued looking at and reading the t-shirt. I complimented him on the concert. A media photographer asked him to pose for a photo. After that, Mikey signed my tour book and I had my picture taken with him.

Just after that, Jon and Roy entered the room. While Roy was chatting to the people near the coffee machine just near the entrance, Jon made himself a cup of coffee (or tea?) and came towards me. "Hi Jon" I said. "Hello." I explained that I won the competition to meet the band, and I introduced my mum to him. He congratulated me and said "Hello Mum". He asked me if I enjoyed the show. I told him that it was a "good show tonight" and he thanked me. "It was a great show last night too" I added. "A bit short though" Jon said. "Yeah, it was a bit" I replied. "Oh, it was George, he was in one of his moods" Jon explained, then adopting a slightly campy tone (probably mocking George) "Y'know, one of his 'moods'". I laughed, and someone called Jon outside the room.

My mum said "Why don't you say hello to Roy?" "I didn't see where he went!" I replied. "He's just behind you" and I turned. Roy was sitting down and chatting to some people at the back of the room. I walked up to him and sat next to him. He turned my way.

"Hi Roy, I'm Adrian" I said, to which he replied "I know - my ex has told me all about you!" (I'm a member of Global Culture, the site run by Alison Hay) I had a tape to give her, so that provided a great cue. "Well, speaking of Alison, I have a cassette for her" going through my bag. It wasn't in my bag. "Is it in yours?" I asked my mum. My mum found the tape and I gave it to Roy, who looked at it for a second and promptly stuck it to his sweaty forehead! I was stunned, to say the least. (Alison later told me that Roy's sense of humour has always been that way) He then threw it across the table. My mum handed it back to him. "Roy, it's for you!" He said "I know" and threw it across the table again, this time to a very tall guy, who I assume was an assistant to the band."He'll take care of it for me". My mum took the photo of Roy and I.

"So, do you want to meet George?" Roy asked. "Um, OK" I replied, a little nervous of meeting George after what happened at the hotel. Roy called the assistant back and asked him if he could take my mum and I to see George. We followed him the corridor to where George was standing. The assistant said to George "There's someone who'd like to meet you".

George looked at me and laughed, telling the assistant "But I met him already" "Hi George, sorry about yesterday" "Oh FORGET about it!" I introduced my mum to George. "Hello Mum!" George replied. I asked him to sign my tour book, which he did (on Mikey's page in the book) and my mum took a photo of us both, which Roy managed to be in too! I thought he was still in the common room! I asked my mum if she wanted a photo too. George posed with my mum and I took the photo. We thanked George and went back down the corridor.

I told my mum I still didn't get to take a photo with Jon or have him sign my tour book. Jon was still outside the common room. I went up to him and asked if he could sign my tourbook. He said "OK", and looking at the main picture of him, joked that it was "a picture of Ray Liotta". He began signing and the flimsy book gave way, ruining the signature. "That's alright" Jon said, holding the edge of the book and signing over the first signature. "Can I take a picture with you" I asked, and my mum took the picture. I took a picture of Jon with my mum and then Jon said "I've got to go now, it was nice meeting you" and walked down the corridor. My mum and I made our way out, spotting Warren along the way and we thanked him.

You may be surprised to learn this, but the first 20 months of Lyrically Speaking has been completely done without my having the Internet at home! Going into college, libraries, friends' places and places where I worked were just some of the ways in which I got to keep this site going. With my computer being too old "and not worth more than $50" (according to the salesman) - I saved up my money and bought myself a new computer, and now have the Internet 24 hours a day if I like!

With Culture Club entering their third decade, I really hope that this one will be their most successful ever! All the best guys!

In June 2000, I was contacted by Glenn from the Boy George News site, asking me if I was interested in putting together a site "that would rival and totally surpass" all the other Boy George sites... I agreed, with the condition that Lyrically Speaking still stay as a site on it's own.

The only obstacle seemed to be that Glenn lives in Ireland and I'm in Australia, but we overcame that by working "together alone" which has worked well, as we've given each other ideas that neither of us could have worked out on our own!

We held a competition that would give us a name to identify what the site is all about - Culture Club and the Internet - what else could we choose but Cyber Chameleon, with the winner being Judy from New York - this can only tell you how much Culture Club has made an impact worldwide...

Without sounding like an advertisement, visit Cyber Chameleon, I'm sure you'll love it - we have more original pictures on our site than anywhere else - and if it is on another site, chances are they saw it here first...

Anyway, now you've read about me - I'd love to hear from you! Drop me a line at

September 16 2000

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