Author captures the essence of what it means to be a Motorhead

“Miscellaneous Ramblings Of A 70’s Motorhead” is an automotive book in a class of it’s own.
Instead of the usual car stats and comparisons, these writings will spark the reader’s memories of days gone by.
It takes them back to a simpler time…a time when octane was their biggest worry.

In writing this book, Douglas Sciberras humorously recounts many of his own stories growing up with,
as he calls it, the “Car Thing”. In doing so, he has written those stories in such a way that
the reader will find themselves remembering some of their own youthful antics.
Things such as sneaking Dad’s car out of the garage or the day they bought their first car.

It's also a story of life...of growing up & how our cars become a part of who we are.
We're talkin' pure fun from cover to cover.

Born to immigrant parents in 1954, Doug grew up in Detroit Michigan, AKA The Motor City.
Most of his family worked in the automobile industry so Doug was truly born
and raised in an automotive atmosphere.

His father John was a chauffeur in Malta during WWII. Although he was only a teenager,
he drove for many of Britain’s top military men as well as high church officials.

Seen here with the son of a British Officer

John loved to tell stories of driving at breakneck speeds through the narrow streets of the
tiny island nation as bombs sometimes fell around him. They were stories that sparked
a love of automotive adventure that sticks with Doug to this day.

Working as a Millwright for Ford Motor Company, Doug has a deep love of anything automotive.
He can think of no better way to spend the day than doing a cruise at
Baker's Of Milford or the Comeback Inn of Highland.

Recognizing the profound affect our cars have on us, especially during our
growing years, has inspired him to capture the experience in his
“Miscellaneous Ramblings Of A 70’s Motorhead.”

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If you'd like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview,
please E-mail Doug at