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Here's the message board service is no longer going to exist so I have to go to a new message board format. If you want to post a message/question, just email what you want posted to and it will be posted on this page. Include your email address at the end of the email if you want it posted along with the message, if you don't put your email at the end, it won't be included with your post. PLEASE KEEP POSTING MESSAGES AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!! Post post posted, posting poster post. :) Thanks!

Posted 3/11/01


That was a helluva a commentary on 3/5. You've shown me that you truly understand what a true "wrestling match" is. Most workers don't. You've picked up an education about the biz, that many do not comprehend.

A great wrestling match is one that's an emotional rollercoaster. Psychology is the basis of wrestling. Spots and action are secondary. The style doesn't matter, whether it's hardcore, or lucha, a match must have a foundation of psychology, or it's meaningless. I WISH EVERY INDY WORKER WOULD AT LEAST TRY TO COMPREHEND THIS!

I've always said you have a great future, and I believe it's been a positive moment for you to regroup, and replan your goals.

Good luck in school, and we're waiting for "kronic's" return. (Ring setup is on Friday night. HA!)

Best always, Carmine

Response by Jason Kronan: That really made me feel good. Thank you so much Carmine, it really means a lot to me hearing it from you!

Posted 3/9/01

Just got through reading your latest commentary and I must say that I couldn't agree more. I haven't been a wrestler for very long, but I've been a fan for 30 years, and everything you've said about ring psychology is aboslutely true. In terms of this business, you and I are on opp

osite ends of the spectrum. You are young, very talented, and have all the tools necessary to succeed, in this fan's opinion. That's not me kissing your ass - everyone who knows me knows I don't kiss ass - that's the reality, and noone who's ever seen your work in the ring can deny your ability. It speaks for itself.

I, on the other hand, am far too old and out of shape to ever go any farther in this business. I am a weekend warrior, and that's as far as I'm ever gonna go. That's the reality. An argument could be made that guys like me are what's wrong with indy wrestling today, and in many cases that's true. Too damned true. But while I may not have the moves or ability that my younger, more fit brothers have, I put 100% into my matches. And it's always been my belief that there's room enough for everyone in this business. While Balls Mahoney may not have the ability of RVD, I enjoy watching them both. If everyone on the roster was RVD, it'd be pretty damned boring to watch. Having a roster of assorted chatracters and types makes for interesting conflicts and contrasts. One of the most entertaining feuds I've ever watched was the Randy Savage/George Steele feud, and it worked because they were so different. Noone doubted who was the better athlete, but everyone was entertained by it, and they both got over.

I'll be the first one to admit that, on some nights, my 100% doesn't measure up, and on those nights I go home pissed off at myself and determine to do better next time, not to repeat past mistakes. Nothing irks me more than to watch workers who don't care, who just sleepwalk their way through a match. Many times, I've seen workers look out at a crowd of 80 people, and say "Screw it, I'm not doin' that Senton and risking my neck for 80 people." And that's bullshit. My attitude is, whether there's 8000 people out there for your PPV main event, or whether there's 80 people out there in front of a broken-down ring in a freezing cold high school gym waiting to watch you do a 3-minute job in the second match, you go out there and give it everything you've got. Even if you're a fat old man like me. Everything matters, no matter how small it may seem. Every punch, every little character trait you display, it all matters, because it all helps to make your character REAL. If the fans believe in you as a real, 3-dimensional human being, then they'll care about you and your matches.

I heard Tully Blanchard doing an interview a few years ago, and he touched on this very subject. The interviewer asked him if he was training any wrestlers, and he said that neither the WWF or WCW was interested in him training their rookies. My jaw hit the floor. I mean, this is, in my mind, one of the best and most underrated workers ever, a master of ring psychology. He then went on to say that the problem with wrestling today is that everyone wants to be a star, not a wrestler. He said, "My job wasn't to win matches, my job was to make Dusty Rhodes look like Superman." I don't think there's too many people who know more about ring psychology than Tully Blanchard, yet all his vast knowledge is going to waste, because noone wants to learn how to put someone else over convincingly, everyone wants to learn how to do a triple reverse somersault suicide corkscrew plancha off a balcony.

This, my friend, is my very long-winded way of saying that I wish everyone in our business shared your attitude about ring psychology. Maybe there'd be fewer spinal injuries and better matches. Here's hoping we get to work together'd be Savage/Steele all over again, lol....

Keep it light brother......Dog

Response by Jason Kronan: Thanks so much for that email. I'm glad you share similar beliefs. Keep up the good work man, and send me your website address again, I'll put a link up. Take care!

Posted 3/9/01

F.Y.I On the AOL Michigan Indies Board, they picked you as one of the next wrestlers to make it in the WWF or WCW!!!!

I wish the best for your future

~LESLIE~ :0)

Response by Jason Kronan: Let's hope it comes true!