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Awwww! Look at this! More friends! We love all these sweetie pies!
Remember if you have a pet you would like to be included on our Friends Page just email the photo to me. We would be happy to have you join us!

Colleen's Tiki

Cindy's Jasper

Tafi & 

Carol's Tafi Mae & Mollee Anne

Ken & Linh's Kobey & Lilla

The Maxey's Maxxi

Ruth's Miss KC

Art & Andrea's Trumper, Sasha & Amigo

Crackers & Cookie

Victoria's Crackers & Cookie

Karen's Chester

tinker toytippy

Dick & Dee's Tinker Toy & Tippy O'Toole


Sisko's Ami

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Page 4 of Friends!

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Our Friends

This background was made by Kobey & Lilla's Dad & Mom at Thank you Ken & Linh! We love this one! :-)
Check out their site for more doggy graphics!

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