The mostly frequently asked question was about potty training or house training. Whatever you want to call it! It has to be done!! The following is a letter that I wrote in response to a visitor who asked about potty training. I just cut, copied and pasted in my response to her in this webpage. And that is what I'll do in the future. I hope this will help many of you!! Now on with the show!! :-)
Potty training... oh we had our days!!
Somedays we did real good and then
others... well it was terrible! The
worse was when he was about 5 months
old... and I was sitting in the dinning
room having my morning coffee before
work. I had just came in from taking
him outside... and he would not go
potty. I
knew he would have to go potty soon but just not at
that time. So, I was sitting there and what does he do!! He pees and poohs right in front of me and on
the carpet too!! I was sooooo upset!!
I cleaned up the mess and bad puppied
him. What I mean by 'bad puppy' him, I
would scold him and make him sit still,
right by the wee wee spot, for 5
minutes or more while I cleaned up the
mess. (One thing Jasper hates is being called a 'bad puppy'.) When I went into work I was
telling my friend Joyce about it...
and I was ready to give him away! I was
telling everyone they could have him!
Well, Joyce had her husband, Johnnie,
call me at work to talk to me and calm
me down. Johnnie said...... I must
restrain Jasper in a crate and only let
him out to go potty. Jasper, at the
time, stayed in a crate all day while I
was at work. I didn't want Jasper
having to stay in the crate in the
evenings too. I wanted him out to play
with and do stuff with. I had read in
books to 'crate' them until potty trained... so
Johnnie was right, I had just forgotten
about that...with all my excitement of
having a new puppy!! When Jasper was
in his crate he had a 'potty pad' to use if
needed to go potty. And he did use it!
He never wet his bedding. So what I did... I took
Johnnie's advice but applied it a little
differently. When I got home from
work, the first thing I did was to take
Jasper outside to go potty. Then we
came in and I would change my clothes. Then
this is the big step that made the world
of difference. I restraint Jasper by
taking his leash that was attached to
him and attached to to my belt loop of
my jeans!!!! LOL!! Sooooo wherever I
went, Jasper went! And when he would
start to squat.... I would hurry him outside to
potty!!! LOL!! We looked so funny but it
sure did work!! After three days of
this....... Jasper was trained!!! Thank
You Joyce and Johnnie!!! I guess Jasper
got tired of doing the cooking, the cleaning,
washing clothes and all that stuff! He
wanted to be on his own..... so he knew
the way to do it was to learn to go
potty!! :-)
When he turned one year old... I started to leave him out of his crate while I went to work. (This is another story in itself!! LOL!!) What I did then and still do is, I leave a potty pad in the utility room and if he has to go potty when I'm not home... he'll use that! Oh yes, we still have an accident from time to time...but hardly ever!! He's a good little doggy!!
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