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Old Tongue

You're now in the Temple of Tongues. Look Out...


Aes Sedai              - Servants of All
Aethan Dor             - Red Shields
Aiel                   - The Dedicated
Al'cair Dal            - The golden bowl
Alantin                - Brother
Aldieb                 - West Wind
Algai'd'siswai         - Fighters of the Spear
Asha'man               - Guardians of All
Atha'an Miere          - Sea Folk / People of the Sea
Avendesora             - Tree of Life
Ba'alzamon             - Heart of the Dark
Caba'drin              - Cavalry / Horsemen
Cardin'sor             - Working Clothes
Cor Darei              - Night Spear
Callandor              - The Sword That Is Not A Sword / The Sword That Cannot Be Touched
Car'a'carn             - Chief of Chiefs
Chalinda               - Sweet daughter
Corenne                - The Return / Return
Cuendillar             - Heartstone
Daes Dae'mar           - The Game of Houses, The Great Game
Dai Shan               - Diademed Battle Lord
Damane                 - Leashed One
Da'shain               - Those Dedicated only to the Dragon
Da'tsang               - despised one
Djevik k'shar          - The Dying Ground
Do Miere A'vron        - Watchers Over the Waves

Faile                  - Falcon
Gaidin                 - Brother to Battles
Gai'shain              - Those pledge to peace in battle
Gaidal                 - Diademed battle lord
Hailene                - Those Who Come Before / Forerunners
Ishamael               - Betrayer of Hope
Ji'e'toh               - Honor and Obligation
Jeade'en               - True Finder
Lanfear                - Daughter of the Night
Machin Shin            - Black Wind
Mahdi                  - Seeker
Mandarb                - Blade
Marath'damane          - Those Who Must Be Leashed
mashiara               - Beloved, but a love that is beyond redeemed
Mia'cova               - One Who Owns Me / My Owner
Moghedien              - The Spider
Ordeith                - Wormwood
Rhyagelle              - Those Who Come Home / Homecomers
Saidar                 - Female half of the One Power
Saidin                 - Male half of the One Power
Serenla                - Stubborn daughter
Shaidar Haran          - Hand of the Dark
Shadar Logoth          - Where the Shadow Waits
Shai'tan               - Dark One
Shen an Calhar         - Band of Red Hand
Siswai'aman            - Spears of the Dragon
Sul'dam                - Leash holder / Holder of the Leash
Tai'shar               - True blood of
Ta'marai'ailen         - Web of Destiny
Tarmon Gai'don         - The Last Battle
Tel'aran'rhiod         - The World of Dreams / The Unseen World
tia avende alantin     - Treebrother / Brother to the Trees
Tuatha'an              - The Traveling People / Tinkers
Aiel societies
Aethan Dor             - Red Shields
Cor Darei              - Night Spears
Duadhe Mahdi'in        - Water Seekers
Far aldazar din        - Brothers of the Eagle
Far Dareis Mai         - Maidens of the Spear
Hama N'dore            - Mountain Dancers
Rahien Sorei           - Dawn Runners
Seia Doon              - Black Eyes
Shae'en M'taal         - Stone Dogs
Shamad Conde           - Thunder Walkers
Sovin Nai              - Knife Hands
Tain Shari             - True Bloods

Al cadazar! For the Red Eagle!
Al Ellisande! For the Rose of the Sun!
Carai an Caldazar! For the honor of the Red Eagle!
Carai an Ellisande! For the honor of the Rose of the Sun!
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain It's time to toss the dice!
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye I'm no Aes Sedai meat!
Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei Here is always a welcome for Aes Sedai
Suravye ninto manshima taishite Peace favor your sword
Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya Luck is a horse to ride like any other
Sa sovraya niende misain ye I am lost in my own mind
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin The grave is no bar to my call
Ninte calichniye no domashita Your welcome warms me
Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, Diynen'd'ma' purvene? Speak what language, Sounder of the Horn?
What language do we speak, Hornsounder?

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