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The Shadow Land

So daring you must be to step into the Shadow Land! However, beware, for the shadow land is the Dark One's territory....


Shai'tan, who was imprisoned outside of time and creation by the Creator of the Universe, has begin to break free from his prison as the seals that kept him from the world are weakening.

Shai'tan, or most commonly known as the Dark One, was neither male nor female, though it is usually referred to male. The Dark One, although has no physical form, being something that is outside and beyond this universe, has the ability to affect the physical world.

Some believe that he is on the level with the Creator. Others believe that he is completely different. Though the Dark One has abilities that are as great as the Creator, he does not has the ability to break free of his prison without assistance from the world.

The Dark One's intention is to break free from his prison to come fully into the world and to remake all of creation according to his own liking.

There are those who are willing to serve the Dark One for he carried a promise of power and dominion beyond one's dream when he first touch the world. Those who served him faithfully would be given immortality in return.

For those who serves the Dark One, they called him the Great Lord of The Dark. For others, who fear to use the real name in the fear of naming the Dark One, they used other names like: Lord of The Grave, Father of Lies, Shepherd of the Night, Sightblinder, Heartfang, Heartsbane, Soulsbane, Grassburner and Leafblighter.


The Forsaken, or the Chosen they called themselves, are powerful Aes Sedai from the Age of Legends. Their names are used by some to frighten children. Their names were given in the Old Tongue by the Dark One when they went over to the Shadow. There are thirteen Forsaken altogether and each longed to be Nae'blis, the one who is just a step below the Dark One himself and is above all.

These thirteen Forsaken are:




Mydraal are creatures of the Dark One and commander of the Trollocs. They have no eyes but can see like eagle in light or dark. They have certain powers stemming from the Dark One, including the ability to cause paralyzing fear with a look and the ability to vanish wherever there are shadows. They have a few known weaknesses, but one of these is that they are reluctant to across running water. Mydraals are also known by many names such as: Halfman, the Eyeless, Shadowman, Lurk, Fetch, and Fade.

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