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Karen1962's page from Angel Eyes!

My Thankyou's to you!

Here is a picture of Lindsey, Heather and I for you!.....This was taken on Lindsey's 9th Birthday 1998. We celebrated by having a Birthday Slumber Party, and we all slept in this tipi the whole night along with 6 of her friends.

This is just for you my friend!

Cyber-space Friend

Some free time, what do I do Check the puter and see if I heard from you. I used to go and get the mail But to get those bills can make me wail. Now e-mail is always fun To get a joke or greeting from someone. And you know that on the other end Is your old or newfound friend. You had a hard day and need to share Here's a friend who will listen and care. And to this friend you must let know That you are there for them also. Most of our penpals are far away But their kind way can make our day. So many secrets we can tell And know they will be kept very well. And isn't it kind of warm feeling inside To know to this person anything you can confide. Isn't it a strange kind of bond we form It isn't exactly like the "norm" But where is it written, face to face we have to be For you to be a very good friend to me. So you see that little joke, or just a note, or even just a simple "Hi" Could be like a ray of sunshine from the sky. To my cyberpal, this is dedicated to you For all the smiles you have brought to me And the times you took time to listen to my tales of woe May our friendship continue to grow. «*´`*§*´`*«

Thank you for believing in me when I found it difficult to believe in myself... for saying what I've needed to hear sometimes, instead of what I've wanted to hear... for siding with me... and for giving me another side to consider. Thank you for opening yourself up to me... for trusting me with your thoughts and disappointments and dreams... for knowing you can depend on me and for asking my help when you've needed it. Thank you for putting so much thought and care and imagination into our friendship... for sharing so many nice times and making so many special memories with me. Thank you for always being honest with me being kind to me...being there for me. Thank you for being a friend to me in so many meaningful ways.

You are a wonderful friend!.....Thanks for allowing me to help you get started on your home page!.....Love Ya girlfriend!.....~SMILE!~

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