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Chapter Nine Taylor checked his watch as soon as everyone was in the rental car again. “It’s almost two,” he informed whoever was listening. “Ike, I think we should get our companion back to the hospital.”

“Aw, man,” Corey groaned.

Zac patted her hand. “The doctors said we could only take you out for a few hours today, cuz you’re used to being in the hospital,” he explained.

Corey’s ears perked up. “ ‘Today’?” she repeated. “For a few hours today? Does that mean -”

“Bright and early tomorrow morning,” Isaac said, backing out of the parking space and looking for the exit to the McDonalds parking lot. “You’d better get a good night’s rest, cuz we’ve got a lot planned.”

Corey smiled.

“Hi, Mom, Dad,” Corey greeted cheerily as she walked into her room. “How long have you been waiting for me?”

Mr. Jennings checked his watch. “Only since two,” he assured her.

“What time is it now?” Corey asked.

“About quarter after,” he said. “Where were you, anyway? The doctors told us you were out with Hanson - was that part of your wish?”

She smiled. “Well, kind of. Yes and no. I mean, I only wanted to meet them, but Zac said he wished he could do more. And, well, they did! We went to the movies and then out to McDonalds. It was great! And the best part is, we’re going to do it again tomorrow!” she explained.

Mrs. Jennings’ eyebrows pulled together. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea? We don’t want you over-exerting yourself, Sweetheart -”

“Mom!” Corey whined. “I’m fine! It’s probably better that I get out than go stir crazy here! It’s all fun. Besides, they’ll probably have to, like, go back to Tulsa soon or something. It’s not like this is gonna turn into a daily thing for the rest of my life. We’re just having some fun is all.”

Mrs. Jennings sighed. “You win, Corey.” Then, smiling, she asked, “So, how was the movie?”

Thursday, 10-1-98

I still can’t believe it. Zac said he wished there was something more he could do, so he made something more to do! He, Isaac, and Taylor showed up today and took me out to a movie and then to lunch at Mickey D’s. I forgot how good fast food was! And, to make it even better, they’re coming back tomorrow!

I feel better than I have since I came into the hospital this last time. I dunno. Maybe it’s because of the chemotherapy, or Barry’s stories, or, just maybe, it’s from being around the Hansons...

Well, I’m not naive. I know they won’t be here forever. Probably they’ll have to go back to Tulsa after tomorrow...But, at least I’ll have the memories, I guess. That’s good enough for me.


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The Window Seat