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Prologue Life was not fair.

At eleven years old, Corey Jennings was diagnosed with lung cancer due to second-hand smoke. At best, she had been given twelve months to live. That had been nine months prior.

Before she had been diagnosed, Corey had been a lively child. She loved rollerblading, biking, hiking, playing basketball, listening to music, and singing. However, now, she barely had the energy to get out of bed in the morning.

Corey was hospitalized two weeks after her twelfth birthday. A local Make-a-Wish Foundation had told Corey and her parents that they would fulfill one wish for her. After about three days of careful deliberation, she had decided that there was only one thing she really wanted. Now, laying on her hospital bed, she scrawled out a letter.

My name is Corey Jennings. I’m 12 years old and have lung cancer due to second-hand smoke inhalation. Both my parents smoke, so do my grandparents, and all my aunts and uncles . . . But that’s not why I am writing this letter. I’m in the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and this is my wish. Before I was diagnosed - before I got too sick to do things - I loved music - singing it and listening to it. Well, music means the world to me, and so would meeting you. If you could just see it in your heart to come and pay me a visit - a short visit, even - it would mean so much. I’ve only been given about three more months to live, so . . . Well. I guess that’s about all.

Peace and life

Corey Jennings

She read over her letter carefully, making sure it sounded all right. When she was sure it was good, she folded it and placed it into a white envelope. She handed it to her mother. “There it is,” she said quietly.

Mrs. Jennings just nodded. She left the room to give the letter to the person Make-a-Wish had sent to handle Corey’s case.

Corey sighed. “Now, all I can do is hope,” she whispered.


Chapter One
Story Index
The Window Seat