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~*Welcome to Kristin's Kool Page*~

Hi everyone! I'm glad you all are here to see my page! To those of you who know me, I finally got my editor to work so I can keep updating now! yay!. So how is everyone doing lately? I hope you all had a good laugh looking at my web page from FOUR years ago! Too bad you won't get to laugh anymore! Please sign my guestbook even if you have already, I love getting new messages! hey, guess what? As you know, my name is Kristin and I am 19 NOW! I am still in school during the summer, I go to college now and am transferring to Western Michigan University in the fall! It will be very fun! I am majoring in interior design. If you want me to design your house, I already have a list so you better get in line! haha. just kidding. K, enough about that, I am also highly involved in dance these days. I dance at Spolight Dance Academy in Grand Haven, and I would reccomend that dance school to everyone! It is way FUN! Hope everyone has a good summer and stays well. Love you guys! I am now a single gurl, so know what to do! Please sign the book below! And send me links to your pages too!

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Check out all the things that I think are the best! I would like to tell all my friends to have a nice day! bye bye!

~*Kristin's Kool Stuff*~

*-My Favorite Links-*

React~ its the coolest!
Fun stuff for kids
Get to know my favorite drink!
Fall into the Gap, my favorite store!
Reeths-Puffer High School Web Page
Kristyn Dollaway's Page
Tim Collett's Page
If you don't have email, get it here! Free!
