“What the hell is going on here?” Trevor demanded as if not sure his words had gotten across the first time.

“I told you to leave me alone,” Maddie snapped, standing up.

Not releasing her hand, Isaac stood up as well. “This is Trevor?” he asked.

“I knew it was another guy, you slut,” Trevor growled.

Maddie clenched her jaw. “It’s none of your concern anymore, Trevor. We’re over. You said so yesterday, remember?”

Trevor gave a half smile. “Well, maybe I changed my mind,” he said slowly.

“It’s not your call,” Maddie told him. “Leave me alone. I don’t want anything to do with you. Do I have to simplify that for you to understand?”

Trevor started toward her. “Don’t get smart with me,” he warned.

Isaac stuck his arm out in an attempt to keep Trevor from Maddie. “You heard her,” he warned. “She doesn’t want anything to do with you. Why don’t you just leave her alone?”

“I don’t think this concerns you,” Trevor said, eyeing Isaac.

“Well, my life doesn’t concern you,” Maddie put in. “Leave me alone, Trevor.”

Trevor just grinned. “Your new boyfriend up for a fight?” he asked, still eyeing Isaac. “Huh, boy? Do you fight over little Miss Madison Jessica Patrick?”

Maddie looked as the two guys stared at each other. Isaac had a few inches on Trevor, but Maddie had no idea how strong Ike was. She hoped she never had to find out.

She didn’t give Isaac a chance to answer Trevor’s question. She took him by the arm and pulled him back toward her. “Please?” was all she said. Ike nodded. “Look,” Maddie said, eyes narrowing on Trevor, “he’s not going to fight you, and I’m not going back to you, so you’re wasting your oh, so precious time. Just leave.”

Trevor looked from Maddie to Isaac back to Maddie. With a jerk of his head, he muttered, “Not worth it anyway,” and walked out of the park.

When he was safely down the street, Maddie turned to Isaac. “Thank you,” she said.

He nodded. “No problem,” he whispered. Then, with a smile, he added, “I didn’t know your middle name was Jessica.”

Maddie smiled as well just as Taylor and Zac approached them, holding their younger siblings’ hands. “What was that all about?” Tay demanded.

Looking up at Isaac, Maddie said, “It’s a long story.”


Taylor and Zac both listened intently as Maddie told them the whole story. How she had been in an accident similar to Jessie’s at the age of eight, how she had been in an abusive relationship with Trevor for nearly two years, how she had been hit by Trevor just before Jessie’s accident. Zac was serious the entire time Maddie was talking, and Tay took her hand when she retold the more painful parts.

When she was done with her story, Maddie motioned for Isaac to rejoin the group. Already knowing the entire tale, he had offered to keep Mack and Avie occupied. Isaac walked back over to the group and checked his watch. “I think it’s safe to go back to your place, Maddie,” he said.

She nodded. “Probably.” As the six of them started out of the park, Maddie said, “Guys.” When Isaac, Tay, and Zac had given her their attention, she continued. “Could you, like, not tell your parents about this?”

Tay nodded solemnly. “No problem, Maddie.” Zac and Ike nodded as well.

A few feet further down the street, Zac spoke up. “You know what I just realized?” he asked. Everyone shook their heads so he continued. “You and Jessie are a lot alike, Maddie. I mean, you were eight when you got into that accident and Jessie is nine. You both have blond hair and brown eyes. Your middle name is Jessica -”

“We get the idea, Zac,” Tay said, cutting his younger brother off.

Maddie nodded. “I noticed that,” she said. “I jut hope she doesn’t get into all the stuff I got caught up in. I don’t wish that on anybody.”

For another few feet, everyone was silent. This time, Tay broke it. “You know, if there was a way to rewind time, I think I’d still want Jessie to get hit.”

Maddie gaped at him. “Are you on drugs?” she demanded.

“No, just hear me out,” he said. “If you never would’ve hit Jessie, we never would have met. And you might still be with that Trevor jerk. You said yourself that hitting Jessica was the last straw in that,” he explained.

Maddie considered this. Finally, she said, “If there was a way to rewind time, I never would’ve gotten involved with Trevor.”

“Agreed,” Tay said. “But still -”

“Let’s just say,” Ike said, cutting him off, “that everything happens for a reason and leave it at that, okay?”

“Okay,” Maddie and Tay chorused.

Within a minute, the six of them were making their way into the Patrick house. They all walked into the back room and found Diana there, passively watching TV. When they entered the room, she looked up and smiled.

“Where’s Jessie?” Maddie asked immediately.

“Doctor’s appointment,” Diana replied. “And, speaking of appointments,” she said to Ike, Tay, and Zac, “you guys have an interview to get to. It looks like you’ll be going alone because we can’t all fit in Maddie’s truck and your father has the Neon.”

The three guys nodded. “No problem, Mom,” Isaac said. “I remember from yesterday where the place is. When does it start?”

Diana looked at a clock. “You should probably leave now,” she replied.

“Okay,” he said to his mom. Then, to his brothers he said, “Let’s boogie.”

The three of them started for the kitchen. When he was in the doorway, Ike turned back and asked, “Maddie, do you want to come?”

She shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

Chapter Fourteen
The Index