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Liberty Institute
"Where the mind is without fear ...."
Julian L. Simon: An Inspiration | Sign Our Guest Book

The inaugural

Julian L. Simon Memorial Lecture

Professor Deepak Lal, University of California, will speak on

“The New Cultural Imperialism: The Greens and economic development”

Summary of Proceedings
Text of Deepak Lal's lecture
Published monograph and in PDF format

Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Member, Planning Commission, Government of India, presided over the meeting.

Date:  December 9, 2000
Venue:  Conference Room I, India International Centre, 40 Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003.

10.30 AM:  Coffee
11.00 AM:  Welcome
11.10 AM:  Julian L. Simon Memorial Lecture, by Prof. Deepak Lal
11.40 AM:  Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia's comments
11.55 AM:  Questions and Comments from the audience
1.00 PM:  Lunch
R.S.V.P.: Space is limited, please confirm participation by phone, fax or email by December 5, 2000.

Please Sign Our Guest Book

Write to:
Liberty Institute
J-259, Saket (2nd floor)
New Delhi - 110 017
Tel: 91-11-6512441 / 91-11-6528244
Fax: 91-11-6856992