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In Defence of Liberty
The Newsletter of Liberty Institute, New Delhi.
March 1999

The Road Ahead

Apart from the publications programme and the research studies, Liberty Institute has planned a number of activities in the coming year. It proposes to hold the third Freedom Workshop to define the relationship between human rights and economic freedom. It is working to develop an educational programme for the purpose of introducing the ideas of ethics, economics and environment, to young people in an informal and participatory manner to instill a sense of inquiry and joy in the learing process. Participation in Book Fairs will continue, and we hope our network of friends around the world will continue to send us their literature which makes our collection so unique in this part of the world.

Research Studies:

Liberty Institute is engaged in research in a few areas of topical interests, and proposes to publish its findings to promote wider discussions. Among the issues that are being currently investigated are: (C) Liberty Institute, New Delhi, 1999

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