KEYA: Alien
NA: Naturalized Alien
NR: Naturalized Resident
PA: First Papers Filed [Intention]AARZULITIS William, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 25, Emmig 1914, Born Lithuania, NA 1917
ABISZO Antoni, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 61, Emmig 1890, Born Lithuania, A
Anna, Wife, 61, Born Lithuanian, A
Alexander, Son, 22, Born Lithuanian, AABISZOL Roman, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 34, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, A
ABRAITIS Thomas, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 34, Emmig 1895, PA, Born Russia
Helen, Wife, 21, Born PA
Helen, Daughter, 1 2/12, Born MIABUTS Stanley, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 38, Emmig 1905, Born Lithuania, A
Josephine, Wife, 28, Born Lithuania, A
Stanley, Son, 4, Born MI
Jennie, Daughter, 1 4/12, Born MIABYSKAL Constantin, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 30, Emmig 1910, PA, Born Lithuania
Agnes, Wife, 26, Born Lithuania, A
Agnes, Daughter, 4, Born Michigan
Aldora, Daughter, 3, Born MichiganACIS Joe, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 25, Emmig 1904, Born Lithuania, A
ADAMEN Christ, Wayne County, Detroit, MI, See: ADAMEN Frank
ADAMEN Frank, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 26, E 1911, Born Lithuania, NA 1918
ADAMEN Christ, BrotherADAMEN Mike, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 34, Emmig 1914, Born Lithuania, A
ADAMENAS William, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 27, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania
ADDINITIS Andrew, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, Boarder, 28, Born Lithuania, A
ADELSON David, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 46, Emmig 1906, PA, Born Vilna, Russia [Lithuania]
Lillie, Wife, 41, Born Vilna, Russia [Lithuania], NR
Morris, Son, 19, Born Vilna Russia [Lithuania], NA
Gertrude,d,14,Born Vilna Russia [Lithuania], NR
Isadore, Son, 8, Born MI
Jacob, Son, 6, Born MI
Benjamin, Son, 4 8/12, Born MI
Sophie, Daughter,1 4/12, Born MIADEMAITIS Mike, Wayne County, Detroit MI, Boarder, 24, Born Lithuania, A
ADOLINITIS Andrew, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 28, Emmig 1905, Born Lithuania, NA 1917
ADOMAITIS Alexander, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 37, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, A
Eva, Wife, 28, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, AADOMAITIS Isodore, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 27, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, NA 1919
Brother-in-law of BARSTIS JohnADOMITIS William, Cheboygan County, 25, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, A
ADONAITIS Simon, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, Boarder, 27, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania
ADONSAITIS Anthony, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 32, Emmig 1907, PA, Born Suwalki, Russia
Anthon, Wife, 23, Born Suwalki Russia, A
Alphonse, Son, 2 3/12, Born MI
Lillian, Daughter, 1 1/12, Born MIALAIDIS Mike, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 29, Emmig 1914, PA, Born Lithuania
ALAIKAS Alois, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 24, Emmig 1914, Born Lithuania, A
Brinney, Wife, 26, Born Lithuania, NR
Albon, Son, 1 9/12, Born MIALCAMANCINNC Joseph, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 37, Emmig 1904, PA, Born Lithuania
Rosella, Wife, 30, Born Lithuania, PAALDON John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 30, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, NA 1915
ALECKATAS Joe, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 26, Emmig 1915, Born Lithuania, A
ALEKS William, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 29, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, A
Margaret, Wife, 24, Born PA
William, Son, 8/12, Born MI
KOSTSILLAS, Thomas, Father-In-Law, 60, Born Lithuania, NA
KOSTSILLAS, Margaret, Mother-In-Law, 56, Born Lithuania, NA
KOSTSILLAS Frank, Brother-In-Law, 21, Born IL
KOSTSILLAS Anthony, Brother-In-Law, 20, Born IL
KOSTSILLAS Carsie, Brother-In-Law, 18, Born ILALEKSA John, Saginaw County, Saginaw MI, Boarder, 45, Born Lithuania, Emmig 1900, A
ALEKSENIES Frank, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 30, Emmig 1908, PA, Born Lithuania
Mary, Wife, 24, Born Lithuania, NR
Joseph, Son, 2 11/12, Born MIALEKSIS Alexander, Wayne County, Detroit MI 32, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, A
Frances, Wife, 24, Born IL
Vytautas, Son, 2, Born MIALESKAWICZ Charles, Wayne County, Hamtramck MI, 37, Emmig 1914, Born Lithuania, A
ALEXANDER Leo, Calhoun County, Battle Creek MI, 22, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, NA 1915
ALICSCUNNIS Mike, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 27, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, A
ALKEWICZ Joseph, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 53, Emmig 1902, PA, Born Lithuania
Anna, Wife, 52, Born Lithuania, NR
John, Son, 28, Born England, NA
Peter, Son, 21, Born England, PAALKINSNIS Mickuel, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 27, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, A
Edna, Wife, 26, Born Lithuania, A
Maurice, Son, 4 10/12, Born MI
Saloma, Daughter, 2 2/12, Born MI
Adella, Daughter, 5/12, Born MI
KALBOCKA John, Brother, 50, Born Lithuania, PAALKRASINSKI John, Jackson County, Jackson MI, 29, Emmig 1910, Born Suwalki-Russia-Poland, A
ALKSONES Charles, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 39, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, NA 1919
Anna, Wife, 28, Born Lithuania, PA
William, Son, 5, Born MI
Tony, Son, 3 9/12, Born MI
Helen, Daughter, 6/12, Born MIALUKIEWICZ John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 38, Emmig 1890, Born Lithuania, NA 1910
Mary, Wife, 34, Born Lithuania, A
Witold, Son, 15, Born PA
Edward, Son, 7, Born PAAMBRIMAITIS Tom, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 34, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, A
AMBROS Peter, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 25, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, A
AMBROSE Estelle, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 42, Emmig 1905, Born Kouna, Russia, NA 1916
Mammie, Niece, 22, Born Kouna, Russia
Tessie, Daughter, 9, Born MI
Stanley, Son,5, Born MIAMBROSE Frank Wayne County, Detroit MI, 56, Emmig 1882, Born Lithuania, NA 1900
Eva, Wife, 46, Born Lithuania, NA
Anna, Daughter, 28, Born PA
Julia, Daughter, 26, Born PA
Gatha, Daughter, 24, Born PAAMBROSE Joseph, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 39, Emmig 1897, Born Lithuania, NA 1908
Anna, Wife, 38, Born Lithuania, NA
Anna, Daughter, 16, Born CT
Albert, Son, 9, Born CT
Marshall, Son, 3 11/12, Born CT
Virginia, Daughter, 10/12, Born CTAMDY Paul, Jackson County 47, Emmig 1906, PA, Born Lithuania
Anna, Wife, 28, Born Lithuania, Pa
Peter, Son, 6, Born IL
Stella, Daughter, 2 2/12, Born MIAMORDS Joe, Wayne County,Detroit MI, 34, Emmig 1909, PA, Born Lithuania
AMORDS Mike, Wayne County,Detroit MI, 36, Emmig 1909, Born Lithuania, A
ANANKA Charles, Wayne County,Detroit MI, 32, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania
ANBRITIS Joseph, Lake County 30, Emmig 1900, Born Lithuania, NA 1905
Julia, Wife, 45, Born Lithuania, NA
Josephine, Daughter, 11, Born IL
Mary, Daughter, 10, Born IL
Joseph, Son, 9
Brownie, Son, 7ANCHER Walter, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 28, Emmig 1903, Born Lithuania, A
ANDERSON Annie, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 39, Emmig 1906, Born Lithuania, A
Charles, Son, 13, Born WI
Frank, Son, 11, Born MI
Wilhelmina, Daughter, 9, Born Lithuania
Joseph, Son, 5, Born MI
John, Son, 2 1/12, Born MI
LAUCUIY John, Brother, 27, Born Lithuania, A
KANCUIS Charley, Cousin, Born Lithuania, PAANDRILEWSKY Adolf, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 28, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, A
CHIKOWSKI Adolf, Brother-In-LawANDROYLONIS Charles, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 30, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania
ANDRULIS Anton, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 35, Emmig 1908, PA, Born Lithuania
Maggie, Wife, 30, Born Lithuania, NA
Olga, Daughter, 8, Born PA
Sophie, Daughter, 6 6/12, Born PAANDRUSCAVICH John, Luce County 39, Emmig 1908, Born Lithuania, NA 1909
Charcoal Iron Company EmployeeANDRUSKEVICH Andrew, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 33, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania, NA 1916
Elizabeth, Wife, 23, Born Lithuania, PA
Alphonse, Son, 2 1/12, Born MIANIOLS George, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 35, Born Russia, PA
ANNEKEAWIEGE George, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 39, Emmig 1907, PA, Born Lithuania
Ellen, Wife, 43, Born Lithuania, NR
Thomas, Son, 16, Born Lithuania, NRANTANAITIS Justin, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 27, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, A
ANTONAITIS Tony, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 40, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A
ANTONITIS Francis, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 34, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A
Feletzia, Daughter, 9, Born Scotland, A
Helen, Daughter, 3 2/12, Born MI
Witant, Son, 4 11/12, Born MIANTONOVICH Anna, Genesee County, Flint MI, 19, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, NA 1917
ANTONOVICH Sam, Genesee County, Flint MI, 28, Emmig 1899, Born Lithuania, NA 1911
ANTONOWITZ Carl, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 71, Emmig 1882, Born Prussia, NA 1888
Antonia, Wife, 68, Born Prussia, NA
Frank, Son, 27, Born MIANUSEVIC John, Houghton County, 34, Emmig 1906, Born Lithuania, A
Veronica, Wife, 23, Born Lithuania, A
John, Son, 5 8/12, Born Canada
Bruno, Son, 4 8/12, Born Canada
Adel, Son, 5/12, Born MIAPECENKA Anthony, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 40, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania
Anna, Wife, 34, Born Lithuania, A
Amella, Daughter, 13, Born Lithuania, A
Joseph, Son, 10, Born Lithuania, al
Stephan, Son, 6, Born MI
John, Son, 5, Born MIARBANSKI Joseph, Mason County, 37, Emmig 1905, PA, Born Lithuania
Anna, Wife, 32, Born Lithuania, PA
Bruno,Son, 7, Born IL
Joseph, Son, 5, Born IL
Julius, Son, 3 11/12, Born IL
Albinas, Son, 1 2/12, Born MIARCIKAUSKAS Charles, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 27, Emmig 1906, PA, Born Lithuania
Annie, Wife, 30, Born Lithuania, PAARDINOWITCH Frank, Lake County, 48, Emmig 1892, Born Lithuania, A 1902
Anna, Wife, 35, Born Lithuania, NR
Mildred, Daughter, 13, Born PA
Vincent, Son, 11, Born PA
Frank, Son, 10, Born PAAROCEUSKI Stanley, Houghton County, 37, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, A
AUDICKI William, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 43, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A
AUGUST George, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 26, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania
AUGUST Jozepp, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 33, Emmig 1909, Born Lithuania, NA 1914
AUGUSTAITIS Sabae, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 37, Emmig 1904, PA, Born Lithuania
AUGUSTIETES Joseph, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 31, Emmig 1909, PA, Born Lithuania
Annie, Wife, 31, Born Lithuania, A
Brownie, Son, 10, Born MI
Alphonse,Son, 8, Born MI
Edward, Son, 4 6/12, Born MI
Adolf, Son, 2 6/12, Born MIAUSTRAKAS George, Ottawa County, 48, Emmig 1898, PA, Born Lithuania
Ada, Wife, 43, Born Lithuania, NR
Helen, Daughter, 16, Born MI
Violet, Daughter, 15, Born MI
Leana, Daughter, 8, Born MIAUZA Paul, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 24, Born Lithuania, PA
Bessie, 27, Born Lithuania, NRAVISON Jacob A, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 45, Emmig 1888, Born Lithuania, NA 1895
Dora, Wife, 45, Born Poland, NA
Nehimiah, Son, 26, Born Poland, NR
Harry J, Son, 24, Born Poland, NR
Elias J, Son, 22, Born Poland, NR
Lillian P, Daughter, 15, Born NY
Charles J. Son, 13, Born NY
Bessie, Daughter, 10, Born MI
Judah, Son, 8, Born MI
Marian, Daughter, 5, Born MIAWEZENEZ William, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 24, Emmig 1918, Born Lithuania, NA 1919
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