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A: Alien
NA: Naturalized Alien
NR: Naturalized Resident
PA: First Papers Filed [Intention]

DABKUS Anthony, Wayne County, Detroit MI, Boarder, 26, Born Lithuania, PA

DAMASKI Otto J, Monroe County, 47, Emmig 1896, PA, Born Prussia

DAMINIKOS Charles, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 32, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, A
     Amy, Wife, 29, Born Lithuania, A
     Charles, Son, 6, Born MI
     Marie, Daughter, 5, Born MI

DAMOND Frank, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 26, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, NA 1919

DAMOND John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 45, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A

DAMROW August, Huron County 68, Emmig 1884, Emmig 1900, Born Prussia, A
     Caroline, Wife, 64, Born Prussia, NA
     William, Son, 24, Born MI

DAMS Anna, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 85, Born Germany, A, See: GRABOWSKI Peter

DANATSKI Michael, Saginaw County, Saginaw MI, 37, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuiania, A

DANKOWSKI Ignatius, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 51, Emmig 1903, PA, Born West Prussia
     Frances, Wife, 53, Born West Prussia, PA
     Lillian, Daughter, 24, Born West Prussia
     Sylvester, Son, 20, Born West Prussia, NR

DANKUS George, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 25, Emmig 1913, Born LIthuania, A

DANMANTAITIS Briget, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 21, Emmig 1907, Born Lithuania, NA 1914

DANMANTAITS John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 28, emmig 1907, Born Lithuania, NA 1914

DAREKIUS Joe, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 37, Emmig 1904, Born Lithuania, A

DARGIS Joe, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 33, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, A
     Winifred, Wife, 32, Born Lithuania, A
     Rose, Daughter, 10, Born Lithuania, A
     HARGIS Stella, Daughter, 3, Born MI
     HARGIS Adella, 12/12, Born MI

DARIS Isidore, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 28, Emmig 1910, PA, Born Lithuania
     Anna, Wife, 21, Born PA

DAUKSZA Walter, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 37, Emmig 1905, Born Lithuania, NA 1907
     Stella, Wife, 34, Emmig 1906, Born Lithuania, NA 1907
     Walter, Son, 13, Born IL
     Joseph, Son, 12, Born IL
     Sophie, Daughter, 9, Born WI
     Tony, Son, 7, Born MI

DAUKSZIS Mike, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 39, Born Lithuania, NA

DAUNIS William, Lake County, 50, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A
     Margaret, Wife, 35, Born Lithuania, A
     Annie, Daughter, 8, Born PA
     Anton, Son, 7, Born IL
     Amela, Daughter, 4 6/12, Born IL

DEANKIS Stanley, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 26, Emmig 1913, PA, Born Lithuania
     Caraline, Wife, 24, Born Lithuania, PA
     Edward, Son, 2 9/12, Born MI

DEDINAS John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, Boarder, 48, Born Lithuania, PA

DEDYNAS Anthony, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 35,Emmig 1907, PA, Born Lithuania
     Martha, Wife, 27, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A
     Edward, Son, 6, Born MI
     Ellen, Daughter, 4 11/12, Born MI
     Adella, Daughter, 1 1/12, Born MI
     Felix, Brother, 26, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, NA 1918

DELNEVICUIS Adam, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 50, Emmig 1900, PA, Born Lithuania
     Anna, Wife, 40, Emmig 1900, Born Lithuania, A
     Mary, Daughter, 16, Born MI
     Adolphis, Son, 10, Born MI
     Annie, Daughter, 9, Born MI

DENNERT Fred, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 74, Emmig 1856, Born East Prussia
     Anna, Daughter, 46, Born Michigan
     Fred, Son, 44, Born MI

DENOUSEVICUZ Anton, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 44, Emmig 1885, Born Lithuania, NA 1905
     Eva, Wife, 38, Born Lithuania, NA
     John, Son, 17, Born NY
     Tony, Son, 6, Born MI
     Theodore, Son, 3 10/12, Born MI
     WITTAKUNAS William, Uncle, 56, Born Lithuania, NA

DERITIS Joe, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 57, Emmig 1884, Born Lithuania, NA 1900
     Josephine, Wife, 67, Born Lithuania, NA
     BARALIS Mary, Daughter, 24, Born MI
     Johnie, Grandson, 2 6/12, Born MI

DIAMOND David, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 29, Emmig 1892, Born Lithuania, NA 1899
     Lillian, Wife, 24, Born MI

DIELIMINKUITIS John, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 28, Born Lithuania, NA, See: MECONIS Charles

DIMINISKI William, Mason County, 29, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, A
     Nellie, Wife, 27, Born Lithuania, A
     Alice, Daughter, 2 0/12, Born MI

DIRDA Charles, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 46, Emmig 1895, Born Lithuania, NA 1914
     Rosella, Wife, 44, Born Lithuania, NA
     Edward, Son, 15, Born MI
     Joseph, Nephew, 24, Born Lithuania, Emmig 1912, NA 1919

DOMACKIS Frank, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 23, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, A

DOMIACKIS Frank, Wayne County, Detroit MI, Boarder, 23, Born Lithuania, A

DOMUSIUS Charles, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 27, Emmig 1911, Born Lithuania, NA 1919

DONNORA Charles, Mason County 36, Emmig 1900, Born Lithuania, NA 1906
     Anna, Wife, 35, Born Lithuania, NA
     Anna, Daughter, 15, Born WI
     Veronica, Daughter, 14, Born WI
     Elvina, Daughter, 9, Born WI
     Angelina, Daughter, 2 10/12, Born MI
     Katherine, Mother, 55, Born Lithuania, Emmig 1910, A

DORROW William, Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor MI, 69, Emmig 1882, PA, Born Prussia
     Bertha, Wife, 67, Born Prussia, A
     KOLBE Charlotte, Mother, 93, Born Prussia

DRAAL Joe, Iron County 40, Born Lithuania, Van Platten Co. Camp, Laborer

DRABIC John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 35, Born Lithuania, A

DRAGON Joseph, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 26, Emmig 1913, PA, Born Lithuania

DRAGON Peter, Wayne County, Hamtramck MI, 26, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A

DRAGONAS John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 36, Emmig 1902, Born Lithuania, A

DRAUGELAS John, Wayne County, Detroit MI, Boarder, 32, Born Lithuania, A

DRAUGELAS Joseph, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 32, Emmig 1908, PA, Born Lithuania
     Veronica, Wife, 28, Born Lithuania, PA
     Stanley, Son, 8, Born Lithuania, PA
     Joseph, Son, 3 10/12, Born MI

DRAUGELIS Mike, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, Boarder, 33, Emmig 1907, Born Lithuania, A

DRAUGELIS William, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 37, Emmig 1905, Born Lithuania, NA

DRAUSKI John, Iron County 26, Born Lithuania, Van Platten Co. Camp, Laborer

DROBOLIZ Joe, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 38, Emmig 1914, Born Lithuania, A

DROBOT Sedor, Wayne County, Hamtramck MI, 32, Emmig 1914, Born Lithuania, A
     Tekla, Wife, 30, Born Lithuania, A

DRODVILLE Alex, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 26, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, NA

DROGON Joseph, Wayne County, Hamtramck MI, 25, Emmig 1913, PA, Born Lithuania
     Nesrules, Wife, 22, Born Lithuania, PA
     Henry, Son, 1 3/12, Born NY

DROUZDUKAS Joe, Wayne County, Highland Park MI, 29, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, A

DRUKUS Benny, Houghton County, 40, Emmig 1913, Born Lithuania, A

DRULE Andrew, Saginaw County, Saginaw MI, 45, Emmig 1912, Born Lithuania, A

DRIUIA Anthony, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 19, Emmig 1902, Born Lithuania, A

DRULIA Joe, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 24, Emmig 1902, Born Lithuania, A

DRUSKUS Dominic, Houghton County, 40, Emmig 1906, Born Lithuania, A

DUMAITIS Alex, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 35, Emmig 1913, PA, Born Lithuania

DUMAITIS Alonis, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 24, Emmig 1915, Born Lithuania, A

DUMTUS Matthew, Menominee County, 56, Emmig 1903, PA, Born Lithuania
     Barbra, Wife, 45, Born Lithuania, PA
     Barbra, Daughter, 17, Born Lithuania, NR
     Elsie, Daughter, 16, Born Lithuania, NR
     Rose, Daughter, 13, Born MI
     Josephine, Daughter, 10, Born MI
     Victorie, Daughter, 9, Born MO
     John, Brother, 24, Born Russia, A

DUNER Peter, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 30, Emmig 1902, PA, Born Lithuania
     Anna, Wife, 34, Born Lithuania, PA
     August, Son, 6, Born MI
     Emma, Daughter, 9/12, Born MI

DUNICE William, Wayne County, Detroit MI, 26, Emmig 1910, Born Lithuania, A
     Agnes, Wife, 25, Born Lithuania, A
     Olga, Daughter, 5, Born MO

DIMOCIS Anthony, Kent County, Grand Rapids MI, 36, Emmig 1912, PA, Born Lithuania
     Matilda, Wife, 29, Born Lithuania, PA
     Joseph, Son, 6, Born MI
     Anthony, Son, 5, Born MI
     William, Son, 3 8/12, Born MI
     Cecelia, Daughter, 1 1/12, Born MI

DYMIANOWICZ Mike, Wayne County, Detroit MI, Boarder, 29, Born Lithuania, NA


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