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October 16, 1999


Links to Help You

General Millennium Links

Millennium History Links

International Year
of the
Older Person Links

Participate in our
Advocates for the
Millennium Club!

Curricular Objectives
Language Arts
Social Studies
ICT Outcomes

Explore Phase One

Phase One Stats:

Ten Classes -
   3 elementary,
   7 junior high
Over 170 Students
7 Teachers
Two Schools
Two Districts
Over 35 Businesses
Well over 500
    email interactions

Phase One Activities:
Week 1 - Intro -
      What is the Millennium?
Week 2 - The Past -
     Research an Important Person
     of the last 1000 Years
Week 3- The Present -
      Research and Present
      info on how a local,
      national or international
      business or organization
      is preparing for Y2K.
Week 4 - Futuristic Poetry
Week 5 - Wrap Up -
    Other Predictions for the Future

of student work
Futuristic Inventions and Advertising
Adopt-a-Grandparent PowerPoint
Student Goals for the Millennium
Poster Poems
French Poster Poems
Biography Title Pages
Grade 8 Biography Circles
Grade 9 Biography Circles

Grade 9 Biographies List One
Grade 9 Biographies List Two
Grade 9 Biographies List Three

Thorhild Central School
Keypal Introductions

Student Thoughts on the Project

New Activites for the New Millennium!

Thank you to Mrs. Anderson, Hardisty School for these ideas!
Possible Predictions Topics

Things to Consider When Making Predictions

Lesson Ideas from the New York Times
Register for Free then Search the New York Times on the Web
Learning Network at
for Lesson Ideas
Possible Keywords:
millennium, future, environment, Y2K, Year 2000

Phase Two Activities

Some activites to celebrate the Millennium!
Week One Introduction to the Millennium
Classes participating in all five weeks will be partnered for the
    global classroom experience.  
    Email introductions are made to keypal. 
Introductions to Adopt-a-Grandparent -
    Ties in with the International Year of the Older Person
    View a list of SeniorNet Volunteers here!
Week Two The Past
Research an important person of the last 1000 years.  
   Research is placed on a circle which will go
   on a 1000 year timeline as in Phase One.
   View Grade 8 Biography Circles or Grade 9 Biography Circles
Week Three The Present
Students record the stories of their own grandparents
   or a grandparent they have adopted.
Students complete PowerPoint presentations on the Millennium
Week Four The Future
Futuristic poetry, predictions stories and descriptive
    writing.  What will the future look like? Where will you
    be?  What does a car or a house of the future look
    like?  Be creative!  View Poster Poems.
Week Five Wrap Up
The end of another Phase of the Advocates for the
    Millennium.  See you next year in Phase three - -
    Advocates for the New Millennium!

Phase One Activities

Please E-mail us at  
Advocates for the Millennium

Grassroots Funded
Phase One and Phase Two!

You are Advocate Number   since March 24, 1999
Last revised February 27, 2000 by A. E. Lipkewich