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Advocates for the Millennium

- Predictions for the Future -

In a one page essay describe what a factory, school, home or car 
would be like in the year 2099.  In your essay you must highlight the
technologies used in either the factory, school, home or car.  In your
essay you must highlight the advantages and disadvantages (double
edged sword) of these technologies, how they will cause social change
(a change in the way we live) and their imapct on quality of life.

Read some of the best essays from Mr Anderson's Grade 9 classes below.

Thank you to Mr. Anderson for having his classes participate in this project!

Future Predictions

New innovations. Simpler methods. Advanced technology. These are all

guarantee possible outcomes of our schools in the year 2099. But we can't

prove that these new methods, innovations and technologies will only cause

positive effects, because every technology has it's good and bad side to it

like a double-edged sword.

Some of the possible outcomes that I believe may happen to schools in the

year 2099 would firstly be that, schooling will be done in homes instead of

schools. Schooling would be done on sleeping hours where you would lie on a

comfortable machine which has a helmet that changes the state of your mind

from reality to schooling and rest at the same time. But some of the

disadvantages are that the machine may use a lot of energy and also cost a

lot of money. This will most likely improve your quality of life because it

gives you more leisure time. This will also cause a large social change

because we are changing the whole entire method of schooling to home

schooling and also from usually morning hours to sleeping hours. Secondly,

I predict that the teaching method would be logging your mind into the

internet where your mind will pick up the information it is needed to learn

which is an advantage because you may go at your own pace. On the other

hand, negative properties of this teaching method would be that you might

not be able to keep focus on task and also if the machine has problems it

can cause you to damage your mind. Finally, I also predict that the testing

method will be that you go into the testing site for the test and then the

helmet will scan your brain for your required information learned and what

you remember which will base your mark on your memory. But the bad sides to

this method is that the machine might not work properly and cause it to

malfunction and give you an improper mark.

In conclusion, these method, ideas and technologies are guarantee possible

outcomes because if you have a mind to think of it, then there will always

be a way to make it happen. But the only way to find the truth about the

future is to wait for it's arrival.

Author Unknown

Predictions for Year 2099 in Schools

By the year 2099 I believe that there will be a dramatic change in the way

schools are run. I think that these changes will have positive and negative

effects on our society. In other words, these changes in technology will act

like a double edged sword.

In the year 2099 I think that schools will provide computers for each

student to work on since computers are efficient and they allow for students

to do their work at their own pace, but students will be expected to finish

their work at a certain time. All subjects that are needed to be taught will

be programmed into the computers. Lessons will be taught to the students by

computer. Only a few teachers will be needed since the computers will

rarely malfunction; however, teachers (have experience with computers as

well) will be needed when students do not understand the programs

instructions. All predictions I have made will have positive and negative

effects on people. Students may be able to work quickly and will be able to

use their time more wisely but this way of learning has many problems. If

students are ever in need of someone to talk to when they have problems

it won't have close relationships since they rarely have time to talk. In most

cases students want to talk to robots about their personal problems. Many

teachers will be unemployed and that will certainly decrease both their quality

of life and standard of living. Quality of life could be greater for some

students if they find it better to learn from computers than from teachers but

some who can't keep up the pace may find it difficult. Students may not be able

to communicate with classmates or be friends with them fi they will barely discuss

things together.

To conclude I think that technology in the future will be exciting and fun but also

quite lonely. many changes will take place but I hope that teachers will remain at

schools instead of robots taking their place.

Hanh, Westmount

Technology of Cars in 2099

In the year 2099 cars will have both advantages and disadvantages, just like every

other technology you can think of. Hopefully though, there will be more good ones

then bad.

One positive advantage that I believe cars will have is a flying mechanism.

You will be able to drive normally but if you push a certain green button,

the wheels will turn around and lay flat, making the car able to levitate.

This will be a good feature for the car because you will be able to drive

over water instead of around it. Another advantage that the car will have

is a built in TV and telephone, you just push a button to pick which show

you want to watch or push a different button to talk on the phone. I know

you are wondering how you can watch TV while you drive, so there is a start

button that you can push to get a thing called auto-drive. You just tell

the computer machine where you want to go and it will take you there. The

seats will be able to move back or forward, and up or down with you just

saying it. Kind of like a voice control system.

The disadvantages of having a car like this is that the computer machine

might malfunction so you won't be able to use your auto-drive. Also if the

voice control system broke down your seat might not work at all. All

the disadvantages that would happen to the car would have to do with the

computers malfunctioning, or the buttons not being able to be pushed in.

This car will cause social change because people will be able to get around

faster and leave later (if you could get to work faster, wouldn't you leave

later too?). You will also be able to have bigger variety of cars to choose

and buy from. Cars will also pollute the environment less because there

will be solar powered cars during the day and refillable battery operated

cars during the night.

Since some cars will be battery operated and solar powered, everybody's

quality of life will become a lot higher seeing as how there is not as much

pollution. You would also be able to drive your car to Hawaii without any

thought, as long as you have enough power to get there. This would be

able to let you go anywhere in the world.

Well hopefully from my essay on the technology of cars in 2099, you know

that cars will not be as bad to the environment so our quality of life will

go up, and that there is more advantages then disadvantages about the new

"Hover Mac 2099."

Krissie, Westmount

Car Technologies of the Future.

No doubt, one hundred years from now the would will be a very different place.

Unimaginable technological advances will have taken place. Many aspects of

people's lives will have changed. Here are a few inventions and innovations you

might expect to see from cars.

Computerized strips under roads will control your car's speed so you don't go too

fast or too slow. They will also make sure your car stays in the middle of the road

so you don't accidentally drive out of your lane. Advantages you'd expect from this

would be less collisions due to speeding, sudden stops or loss of car control. A few

bad effects of this would be that you can't stop suddenly if there is an emergency.

More people would also be late for work and stuff because they can't speed. If the

computerized strops malfunction, cars might stop or speed, creating accidents. This

invention would most likely improve quality of life there would be less deaths and

accidents from speeding or losing control of your car. The way people live would

change because driving would be a lot safer.

Record and tracking computerized chips on cars could hold all a drivers information

and monitor where they drive. Everything from their physical description, criminal

history and driving violations such as parking tickets or impaired driving changes

could be recorded. Good effects of this would be that criminals might be found easier

because of the tracking device on the car. Police could also access driver's information

easier by tapping into the computer chip. Bad effects might be that selling your car

would be a bigger hassle since info from one owner to another would have to be

transferred. police would also be able to tell if you were driving even if your license

were revoked because of the tracking device and you could easily be charged. This

invention would increase quality of life since unfit and unsafe drivers wouldn't be on

the roads and some criminals would be caught faster. People's lives would change

because they wouldn't be able to ignore or escape their driving violations as easily.

Cars wouldn't have built in computerized maps where you could tell the computer

your destination and it would drive you there. Positive aspects would be that travelling

would be more efficient because the computer would know the fastest way and

wouldn't get lost. Negative aspects would be that driving would be less fun and if a

malfunction occurred you might not end up at your requested destination. Quality of

life would improve since the stress of driving and finding unfamiliar places would be

gone. The way people live would chance because everyone would have almost

personal chauffeurs and wouldn't need to know the area they live in as much.

People have a lot to expect from cars in the future. They will have to conform to many

new technologies. For the most part, these new inventions will improve quality of life.

Life in the future will be very different and interesting.

Emilea, Westmount

Under the Sea

Earth 2099. The human population has exploded dramatically. Nature was burned

and out of the ashes cities stretched over every inch of the land. Because of over

population and a low supply of living space the UNSTA, United Nations of Science

and Technological Advancement, was forced to reach to a whole new era for


By the year 2110, the bottom of the sea was covered with pressurized domes,

home to 30% of the world's population. New technology as been developed,

such as the Hydro Respirator to suit the new environment. The Hydro

Respirator extracts oxygen form the water by disposing the two hydrogen found

in the water compound, H2O, leaving only on oxygen element to mix with a

series of chemicals, producing a surplus supply of oxygen for the under water

domes. Kelp farms and under water food facilities were developed to produce

an unlimited supply of food for power, FFTs (free floating turbines) were set up

to turn the sea current into high voltage electricity.

This is the year 2110. Who knows where the technology of the future will take us.

Pui, Westmount

Under Water Homes

In the year 2099 I think houses will be built under water in large, sound proof from

outside of the glass, unbreakable glass domes. All of the technologies that will be

used in the homes will be computer operated or voice command, including all major


People will be able to live underwater when there is no room left on the ground which

is an advantage so people won't be homeless. scientists will be able to study sea life

more and find out new things about species that live in the water and be able

to understand their behavior better. The people living in this environment will be

healthy because there will be no food shortages, the environment will be forced to be

kept clean and recycles as much as possible, therefore no diseases can be

passed on. New inventions would have to be created for underwater needs causing

the economy to grow. Another advantage of the underwater housing is that you could

watch sea animals from your back yard for free instead of having to pay for it,

which would also help the economy to grow by having to build more homes.

The homes are built in large communities protected by large unbreakable glass domes.

Electricity costs will go up for there is not much daylight under the sea and almost

everything in the house needs electricity in order to function. The ocean will have no

room for any underwater life species will be killed off, as well as more pollution will be

dumped into the ocean if people don't take care of the environment.

The people that chose to live in these homes will have to under go a huge social change

for the ways of communication will be difficult unless you can afford a cordless

transmitter and other means of transportation such as the bus or biking will have to be

used, for there in not enough room for cars in the class domes. They will have to find n

ew ways of doing things to benefit both them and the environment. Recreation will also

have a decrease because there is not room to build anything for entertainment.

Some people would feel their quality of life has gone up because they have a clean healthy

environment and they get to spend more time with family while others will fell it has gone

for there is nothing left to do for fun and they get sick of doing the same

thing everyday. In conclusion I think this would be a neat way of living but there are many

things to consider about living underwater, also fi we were to live underwater people would

have to adapt to the new environment.

Priscilla, Westmount

The 2099 Vehicle

A clean pollutionless car hovers down the magnetically stripped highway at an incredible

speed. This is a car in the year 2099. This essay explains the advantages, disadvantages,

the social changes and the impact of this vehicle on the quality of life.

The advantages of this car are that there will be no pollution created by this vehicle, the

fact there will be no traffic jams because of the ability to hover at different heights and

that because of the opposite magnetic force between the magnetic highway and the

vehicle, there is no friction to slow it down. These are the advantages of the care.

Next the unfortunate disadvantages of this invention.

The disadvantages of this vehicle is the fact the economy in Alberta will decrease because

there will not be as large of demand for oil. Many people will lose jobs related to the oil

industry, refining and bottling processes. It would take much longer to stop the vehicle

because of the "no friction" factor with the opposing magnetic forces. These are the

disadvantages of this invention. next there are the social changes caused by this invention.

The social changes caused by this vehicle are the laws and the driving age for this vehicle

must change. The teachers for driving this vehicle must be more experienced than the

driving school teachers now. Finally there is the issue fo the impact on the quality of live

this vehicle will have.

The quality of life would improve with this invention because it is pollution free and will

not get you frustrated in large city traffic jams. You would also be able to travel quicker

making appointments you have booked. This is the impact of this invention on the

quality of life for people.

In this essay it has explained the advantages, disadvantages, the social changes and the

impact on the quality of life of this new vehicle. In the future, these disadvantages and

problems with the vehicle will be solved.

Kyle, Westmount

High Tech Wave of the Future: Super Homes

Virtual reality TVs. One central computer system. Food machines. These are just some

of the products you might find in your homes a hundred years from now in 2099. In this

essay I will talk about the advantages disadvantages, social change and quality of life that

these products have or will change.

The virtual reality TV is like a TV where you can go on and do real life things and have it

feel real. One advantage to this is it gives people a chance to do things they would never r

eally get a chance to do like sky dive, ro play in the NBA. Another advantage to the virtual

reality TV is it could help people learn because if you are learning about something you see

on TV you can actually go there. The disadvantage to this product is that it would make

people lazy and out of shape because you won't need to go out and play sports you could

play virtual sports. The second disadvantage is that it would stop kids form doing

homework because they would be preoccupied. Overall I think this would hurt our quality

of life because it would make us lazy. this would create a social change and put many people

in the recreation industry out of a job.

Having one central computer is another product we will have. It will control everything in the

house. The advantage to this is you can see the amount of power, gas and water used without

having to wait for bills. Another advantage is to change the thermostat or water temperature

can be done at one location. A disadvantage is if it breaks down everything in the house would

malfunction. This would improve quality of life by making life easier for us. The social change is

the meter checkers would lose jobs because all read over computers.

Food machines would let you select food by pushing a button and have it pop out. The

advantage is obviously it is fast and efficient so you can eat right when you want. The

disadvantages are that the food selection would not be good because you couldn't have

lots and lots of food or it would be to big. Another disadvantage is it may be expensive

for people. This would keep our quality of life the same because the advantages and

disadvantages balance. The social change is it would hurt the restaurant business because

people would not go out for convenience any more but only for luxury.

In conclusion I think future products will have a profound impact on our life and change the

way we live for ever. In the future

look for some of my products listed here and look our for the disadvantages.

Mark, Westmount

Looking Forward to the Future

Big screen TVs thin as a Five Star binder, voice activated TVs, VcRs and showers. In the year

2099, people will live in very technologically advanced homes. They will have all appliances

from door locks to VCRs voice activated sliding walkways and doorways and TVs that

come form the floor.

Firstly, everything in the home will be voice activated, preventing underage viewers form watching

inappropriate material such as the modern day Playboy Channel. It would increase the quality of

life by making it easier to perform simple and hard tasks such as turning on a light or cooking,

something for a certain time at a certain temperature. On the other hand, there are some negative

consequences, for example you might accidentally turn something or you would have to memorize

all the passwords for security and all the basic commands. Also, someone else could use it for all

they would need would be a recorder or voice synthesizer to replicate your voice.

Secondly, people will no longer have to walk around to get from the couch, in front of the TV with

the fishing channel on, to the kitchen to get a mid-commercial snack. By using slide walkways to

get around if would make life easier, it would make work more efficient by using less effort in our

duties and it would increase our quality of life making everyday tasks easy to do. But at the same

\time people might get hurt by getting something caught in the track, like baggy clothing. It would

also make people lazy by them not exercising.

Lastly TVs as thin as a Five Star binder would be roughly 0.3m (30cm) think, as well they would

be entertaining for they are 3.5m tall and have adjustable height, just in case you have a low roof.

But with this marvel comes disadvantages. For example how and where would you store this

monstrosity and how would you retract it into the floor without destroying it.

People now a days wish that the future is technologically advanced from their homes to their

cars. Though many people speculate that the world will end in the year 2000 or in 1999, others

believe that the future is going to be a technologically advanced place and have to look froward

to the future for that is the best way to go because you should always look at the long-term

effects. For example these new homes could bring around social change, like people never

leaving their homes because they have it so good!
