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Advocates for the Millennium

- Emails to Businesses-

During the first week of the project,
students wrote letters to businesses
with specific questions that they wanted answered
about how that business, individual or community group
was preparing for the year 2000!

Enjoy reading some of their letters!

Dear Mr.Skwaruk,

Thank for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium"project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on what the City of Edmonton isdoing to prepare for the year 2000.

1.How many computers have you fixed with the Y2k problem?

2.How many are there to go?

3.What would the Y2k problem do to the Lrt's and the traffic lights etc?

4.What are all the problems that could happen to your business?

5.What are the major problems that could happen if the Y2k problem isn't fixed?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to making it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours Telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the MIllennium
Westmount School

Dear Mr. Teeuwsen,

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on what Atco Gas is doing to prepare for theYear 2000.

1.What is the y2k bug to you?(give details please)

2.What do you think the world is doing to prepare for this event?

3.What's it like to know that our most used gadgets will be (might be) ruined because it is the New Millennium?

4.How do you think everyone in the world should be reacting to the y2k glitch?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Daniel and Nicole
Advocates for the millennium


Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the millennium" project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentations to the class on how our world is preparing to deal with y2k.

1.Will bank accounts be accessablewhen the millennium hits?

2.What are businesses facing, in the way of charges, if they are not y2k ready?

3.What can businesses do to prepare for y2k so they will not be sued?

4.How have you,personnally,helped them to prepare for the crisis?

5.What do you think the largest problem from the year 2000 will be?

6.Is this crisis really as big a deal as everyone is making it out to be?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success.Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Mr. Watts,

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your participation is greatly valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation on what Pattison is doing to prepare for the year 2000.

1.What is your office specifically doing to prepare for the Y2K bug?

2.If the power doesn't work what problems might you have?

3.How will you fix any problems you might have when the clock strikes 2000?

4.Will the computerized accounts you have work on January 1st?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Dear Mrs.Galanka,

Thank for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to inn order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on What the City Of Edmonton is doing to prepare for the year 2000.

1.What kind of Y2k disasters have you dealt with so far?

2.Have any of the computers in the government gone wrong?

3.What do you think of Y2k?

4.Seeing how you work with the government of Edmonton how is Y2k

progress in Edmonton overall?

5.Have all of the Government's computer operated devices been upgraded?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours Telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Mr. Crothers,

We appologize for the tardiness of this message. We hope that you will still be able to repond to our questions.

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answer to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and well help us to complete our presentation to the class on what Signature Vacations is doing to prepare for the year 2000.

Lots of people believe that computer systems will crash, suppliers won't be able to meet quotas, air travel will come to a halt and banking will come to a stand still. Do you believe that Signature Vacations will be affected by any of this and how are you preparing for the ramifications of the year change over into the new millennium?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project  and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Mr. Thomson

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your Participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answer to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and well help us to complete our presentation to the class on what the City of Edmonton’s Emergency planning well do for Y2K.

The date is December 31, 1999. Many people are enjoying the many festivities that are taking place, including those put on by the City of Edmonton. Downtown Edmonton is full of people and excitement. But, just as the clock strikes midnight, the power fails, there is a brief silence then chaos ensues. Parents clutching their children attempt to make their escape and scramble in all directions. People trying to get their cars out of the parkades are unable to due to computer failure. Those who enter an elevator are unable to get out once they enter. How much of this scenario is true? What is the City of Edmonton doing to prepare for such a situation, even a long term one, that may occur such as a power outage for days on end?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Mr. Mcleod,

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your participation is greatly valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation on what Pattison is doing to prepare for the year 2000.

1.How is ATCO gas preparing for Y2K?

2.Will the gas work when the clock hits 2000?

3.If the gas doesn't work January 1, 2000 what will ATCO do?How long do you think it would take

for the gas to start working again?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Ms. Punger,

Thank you for being a partner in my class "Advocates for  Millennium" project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on what the Royal Banks in the City of Edmonton is going to do to prepare for the year 2000.

1. How can we prepare our banking and finances so that we won't be affected by the Y2K bug?

2.Is it true that the millennium bug will affect ATM machines? If so how?

3.Will our bank accounts still work in the year 2000?

4.Are you going to have extra security for the banks if and when the alarm systems shut down?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Mr. McNeil,

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your
participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on what the hospitals are doing to prepare for the year 2000.

Many people in the City of Edmonton believe that in the year 2000 all the electricity is going to shut down. If so how are doctors going to perform surgeries without any electric machines?   Are the hospitals in Edmonton doing anything to prepare for the year 2000? If they are, how?  Have hospitals designed some other type of machines such as heart monitors, IV machines and X-ray machines that would uses batteries or some other type of power source to make the machines work? Is the government or the hospital providing money to prepared for Y2K?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Mr. Garrison:

My teacher received an email from you that I should contact Val Rutherford in regards to Y2K questions that I would have about how the Alberta Legislature is preparing for Y2K. Since we did not receive her email address, could you please forward this message to her. Thank you very much for your time.

Ms. Rutherford,

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those question that my partner and I would like answer to in order to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium"project. Your answer to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on "The Millennium"

1.Most government files and archives are located and saved on computers. Is this information "backed up" in the event these computer should fail?

2.Many people believe that computer will fail when the year changes from 1999 to 2000. Are the computers and communication and information systems within the Legislative Y2K complaint or will the beliefs of the other come ture?

3. Since phone system are maintained by computers and computers are targets for the millennium bug, how is the Legislature prepared in the event that individuals want to reach their MLAs and aren't able to dure to computer failure, within both the telecommunication and postal system.

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Your telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Ms. Ostiguy

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the  Millennium" project. Your participation is valued a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following questions are those questions that my partner and  I would like answers to in order to complete or portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on What FIDO is doing to prepare for the year 2000.

1. What will the millennium take effect on the phones?

2. Will the phones work in the year 2000?

3. Are you planning on designing phones that will prevent it from the problem?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in support our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School

Dear Ms.Charlie,

Thank your for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your participation is values a great deal by myself and my peers.

The following question are those questions that my partner and I would like answers to in order
to complete our portion of the "Advocates for the Millennium" project. Your answers to the following questions will be a very important source of information for us and will help us to complete our presentation to the class on Southern Cross Club.

1.What are you doing to prepare for the Y2K problem?

2.What will you do after Y2K?

3.What's your biggest fear when the Y2K problem hits your computer systems at the Southern Cross Club?

4. How many guests are you expecting to have? Will it be a full house?

5. Will you have enough food for the festivities? Will the barge be running on schedule? Are you having a special menu to ring in the new year?

We greatly appreciate your time and effort in supporting our project and helping to make it a success. Your expertise is greatly appreciated.

Yours telecollaboratively,
Stacy, Tiffany, Lila
Advocates for the Millennium
Westmount School