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Advocates for the Millennium

- A Telecollaborative Thematic Unit -

Read some of the student good byes
to their keypals
and their thoughts on the project.

Dear Angel,

Hi! how are you? if you don't already know this is our last week writing and talking to eachother
I loved getting to know you and I hope you have a wonderful life from now on, and I would've loved meeting you but I have a huge field trip and I can't make it, sorry. Well have a nice day!

From Nicole

Dear Kala,

Thank for being my keypal and I hope you had much fun on this project much as I did. At the end of this project we had to make a 100 Key Learnings. I wish you a good summer and good luck in grade 5.


Hi Angela,

We wanted to write you to say goodbye since the project is over.We wanted to say thanks for being our keypal during this millennium project we hope you enjoyed it!We learned a lot from this project like all about the interesting people in the past millennium. Such as Picasso,Leonardo Da Vinci,Louis Joseph Papineau and many others.We hope you have a great summer and we wish you luck in grade five!

your keypals
Melissa and Keri

Hi Aaron, Tim here. This is the last time you will hear from me. It was interesting to be your partner, thank you for being my keypal. I hope that you learned something by doing this project and from me. I learned many new and interesting things too. I learned what ATCO gas is doing to prepare for Y2K, about Alexander Graham Bell, poetry, and how to write key learnings. Have a great summer! I hope you do some cool things and have a great time. Good luck in grade 5. I know you will do well in the future. Good Bye!

hi Diana,

it's holly and suzana. we'd just like to thank-you for being our key-pal. some  things that we learn,are how to write poetry and some facts about the year 2000. we hope that you have a good summer and good luck in grade 5!!!

From: holly and suzana


We would like to thank you and your class for participating in the advocates for the millennium project.We liked the project because we learned a lot about e-mail and about the millenium we also really liked participating with your class on this project. We hope you have a great summer!!!

Keri and Melissa.

Dear Janis,

Thank you Ms. Bekar for having your class participate in the Advocates  for the Millennium project. I liked the circles that we did for the Millennium chart. Iwish you a great summer.
