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Information and Communication Technology - An Interim Program of Studies
Tech. Outcomes that will be fulfilled through the Advocates for the Millennium Project

Division 1     Division 2     Division 3

Division 1

F2 - Students will demonstrate an understand ing of the nature of technology.

1.1 identify techniques and tools for communicating, storing, retrieving and selecting information
1.2 apply terminology appropriate to the technologies being used at this division level
1.3demonstrate an understanding that the user manages and controls the outcomes of technology

F3 - Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.

1.1 demonstrate courtesy and follow classroom procedures when making appropriate use of computer technologies
1.2 work collaboratively to share limited resources
1.5 use appropriate communication etiquette

F4 - Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information.

1.1 compare similar types of information from two different electronic sources

F6 - Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.

1.1 perform basic computer operations (which may vary by environment), including powering up, inserting disks, moving the cursor, clicking on an icon, using pull-down menus, executing programs, saving files, retrieving files, printing, ejecting disks and powering down.
 1.2 Use keyboarding techniques for the home row, enter, space bar, tab, backspace, delete and insertion-point arrow keys.

P1 - Students will compose, revise and edit text .

1.1 create original text, using word processing software, to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
 1.2 edit complete sentences, using such features of a word processor as cut, copy and paste

P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources.

1.1 navigate within a document, compact disc or other software program that contains links
1.2 access hyperlinked sites on an intranet or the Internet

P6 - Students will use communication technology to interact with others.

1.1 compose a message that can be sent through communication technology
1.2 communicate electronically with people outside the classroom

C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.

1.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
 1.2 process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered

C4 - Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry.  

 1.1 follow a plan to complete an inquiry
formulate new questions as research progresses
 1.3 organize information from more than one source

C5 - Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry.

1.1 share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task

C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems

 1.2 use technology to organize and display data in a problem-solving context
 1.3 use technology to support and present conclusions

C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning.

 1.1 develop questions that reflect a personal information nee
1.2 summarize data by picking key words from gathered information and by using jottings, point form or retelling
 1.3 draw conclusions from organized information
 1.4 make predictions based on organized information

Division 2

F2 - Students will demonstrate an understand ing of the nature of technology.

2.1 apply terminology appropriate to the technologies being used at this division level
 2.2 identify and apply techniques and tools for communicating, storing, retrieving and selecting information
 2.4 recognize the potential for human error when using technology

F3 - Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.

 2.1 comply with the acceptable use policy of the school and district for Internet and networked services, including software licensing agreements
2.3 work collaboratively to share limited resources
 2.4 document sources obtained electronically, such as web site addresses
2.6 use electronic networks in an ethical manner
2.7 comply with copyright legislation

F6 - Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.

2.1 power up and power down various technologies and peripherals correctly
2.4 use appropriate keyboarding techniques of the alphabetic and punctuation keys

P1 - Students will compose, revise and edit text .

2.1 create and revise original text to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques

P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources.

2.2 navigate through a document that contains links to locate, copy and then paste data in a new file

P6 - Students will use communication technology to interact with others.

2.1 select and use the technology appropriate to a given communication situation

C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.

2.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs)
 2.3 communicate effectively, through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies that serve particular audiences and purposes

C2 - Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.

2.1 seek responses to inquiries from various authorities through electronic media

C5 - Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry.

 2.2 record group brainstorming, planning and sharing of ideas by using technology
2.3  extend the scope of a project beyond classroom collaboration by using communication technologies, such as the telephone and e-mail

Division 3
F2 - Students will demonstrate an understand ing of the nature of technology.

3.1 demonstrate an understanding that information can be transmitted through a variety of media
3.3 apply terminology appropriate to the technology being used at this division level

F3 - Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.

3.1 use time and resources on the network wisely
3.4 cite sources when using copyright and/or public domain material
3.5 download and transmit only materials that comply with the established network use policies and practices
3.6 model and assume personal responsibility for ethical behaviour and attitudes and acceptable use of information technologies and sources in local and global contexts

F6 - Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.

3.3 demonstrate proficiency in uploading and downloading text, image, audio and video files

P1 - Students will compose, revise and edit text .

3.3 revise text documents based on feedback from others
 3.4 use appropriate communication technology to elicit feedback from other

P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources.

 3.2 demonstrate proficient use of various information retrieval technologies

P6 - Students will use communication technology to interact with others.

3.1 communicate with a targeted audience, within a controlled environment, by using communication technologies, such as e-mail and web browsers

C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.

3.1 plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources
 3.2 refine searches to limit sources to a manageable number

C2 - Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.

3.1 access diverse viewpoints on particular topics by using appropriate technologies
3.2 assemble and organize different viewpoints in order to assess their validity
3.3 use information technology to find facts that support or refute divers viewpoints

C3 - Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies.

3.1 evaluate the authority and reliability of electronic sources
 3.2 evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information to a particular topic

C5 - Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry.

 3.1 access, retrieve and share information from electronic sources, such as common files