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Advocates for the Millennium

- Keypal Interactions -

On May 5th

Miss Mazurenko's

Grade 7 Class

emailed their elementary keypals

for the first time.

Read some of what they wrote!

Hi! My name is Nicole and my partner's name is Daniel.
We are both in grade 7 and we are both 12.  How about you?  ( Nicole)
enjoy soccer and Daniel also likes soccer. What are your favorite

As you know the year 2000 is next year so what do you think
about the millennium?  Daniel thinks that people should not be making a
big deal, I pretty much think the same but people should be prepared. 
What do you think about the whole y2k thing?  I seriously do not want to
lose the everyday appliances that will be (might be) ruined in the year
2000.  Daniel thinks that the world will be a huge catastrophe if we
lose all of it.

Is your school fun? What do you like to do in school? BYE!!

To Kayla
   Hi, my name is Chalsee. I am 12 years old and in grade seven.
I have long brown hair and light brown eyes. I like soccer, hockey,
running and swimming. My favorite television shows are pokemon, mad
libs and many more. The music I like is N'SYNC, Brittney Spears and
Savage garden. 
   What do you think about the up coming millennium and how do you
react to it?   They say the main computers are going to shut down and 
there's going to be no heat or eletricity.
What sports, television shows, music and famous people do you like? Do you have any pets? If you do what kind of pet. From: Chalsee
Hi Cheyenne, how are you?  I'm fine. My name is Renee   I'm in grade
7.   I go to Westmount JR.high.   I like playing sports I play soccer for
Kensington and its fun our team has won most of our games except for 1
but the score was 4 to 2.  I've never been on the internet or I mean on
the e-mail before.  Have you? I'm doing a report on the y2k, its really
cool. Do you know what the y2k is? I think its a computer bug that is 
causing problems to the whole world and it can mess up anything
digitally used or in mechanically used machines that have the date on them written like this May 5,99. When the clock strikes 12:00 on December 31 1999 the computers and mechanical machines will think that it is 1900 instead of year 2000 because they aren't programed to read it as 2000.So that could mess up your furnace,computer,digital,
microwaves and digital stoves.ect. Where is Smith? What do you do
on your free time? I play sports. What is your favorite t.v show? Mine
is Simpsons.
At the end of this project we are going to have a jeporady game on line
and if you want to put in any questions on the millenium for the quiz do so
on this website I hope you write back soon in your class and on your free time because I will to.
Hello Wayne, my name is Brad.  I am 12 years old and I will
turn 13 on June 3. I have teamed up with my friend Andrew.  I am
very athletic and I love all sports except GOLF!!!!!  My average
percent in school is in the mid 80's. What do you think about the year
2000?  That is all I can think about right now,now here's Andrew. Hi
Wayne this is Andrew how are you? I'm am Brad's friend, where is Smith
school? What kind of sports do you like? Do you have a computer? Do you
have WarCraft II? I am not that tall. I have black hair. I am a jock
same as Brad. My Birthday is January 9. Remember to send us your
answers to our questions and stuff about you. OK? 

Hello Alexis .My name is Krystle and I am in grade seven. I don't know that 
much about the millennium but when I am done this project I'm sure
I will know lots. . . .