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Yes I know that your teacher and my teacher are sisters.


Hey Blake

Whats up? Hows Grade Five treating you? My name is Alandra I'm 13 in Grade 8 I'm sure you knew that but anyways. How did you choose the name dragonite112? Its intresting dragonite that sounds famillar is it a pokemon? Do you like them? The movie is coming out on the 19th  I think. What are you learning about in class? Were taking Energy and Machines in science, Rational Numbers in math, Geography in social and we're doing this Millenium Project on the computer in L.A other than e-mailing you I have to e-mail an older person and ask them about their life. Something about Grandparents through the computer. Well when you e-mail me back tell me about yourself, Hobbies, sports, pets?

See Ya!

From Alandra

Hi Kelly,

Wussup? My name is Michael, and I'm goining to be working on this project also. I am thirteen and in grade eight at Westmount Jr. High School. My hobbies are weightlifting and computer games. I'm guessing by your E-mail handle that you like Pokemon, what else do you like? Anyway, I'm outta time so I have to go. If you could reply to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Michael ;-)

Hi Kyle

Wussup!? I'm Julie. I'm from Westmount Junior High. I'm in grade 8 and I'm 13 years old. What school do you go to? So do you like Pokemon? What do you like to do for fun? Do you like music? What's your favorite band or singer? I have shoulder length hair. I have dark brown eyes. I'm averge height. Tell me about yourself.  talk to you later!!!


Hi Jamie,

I am your keypal!!My name is Ariana.I don't know if you know how to pronounce my name so I will try to make it easier.You pronounce it like this, Air e anna.Does that help?I am in grade eight and am 12 years old.I have a twin brother that is writing to someone else in class.His name is Adam.He is writing to RandyWell I gotta go.Bye

Hi Randy,

Hi! I'll be working on the same project as you.Is Randy your real name,or your nick-name?My name is Adam,I'm in grade eight. I'm only twelve right now but I'm turning thirteen pretty quickly.How old are you?What are your hobbies?

I have to go now,


Hey Dustin. What's up. My name is Peter. I'm your key pal. You can call me Pete if you want to. I am in grade 7. What grade are you in. Is Golem your favorite Pokemon? Mine is Mew. What is your favorite sport? Mine is B-ball. What is your favorite school subject? Mine are L.A., and phys-ed. Do you think school is easy? I think school is easy. Are you excited about the millenium project? I am. I hope we have fun.

Well, I gotta go. See ya Dustin.


Pokemon are one of my favorite things. I am 12. When's your birthday? Mine is in June. I think the new millenium is coo. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have two brothers. Do you have any pokemon cards? I have about 104. Do you have any fossil cards? I only hae Horsea. Well, I gotta go.

See ya


My name is Ashley! not to be rude or anything but are you a boy or a girl. I'm 13 years old I have blond hair blue eyes. What color of hair do you have? I have a little bro who is three years old and his name is Mark too!! but spelled with a K at the end. As soon as you get this letter write back. write about yourself and your hobbies.!!!!!!!

Hi I'm Cheata. I'm a girl if you are wondering. I noticed you have a pokemon on your address. Do you like them? I don't like pokemon.  What grade are you in? Are you doing the millenium project. What kind of music do you like? I like pop, hip hop, rap, rock,and other stuff.  How old are you? I'm turning 12 in December. What is your favourite sport? Mine is hockey. I love hockey it's the best sport ever. My favourite teams are the Leafs, Avalanche,and the Red Wings. I like other teams to.   I was wondering if you like Brittany Spears. I absolutly HATE HER. Tell me about yourself in the next letter.

What do you look like. I have brown hair,brown eyes, short hair up to my shoulders, I'm 5 feett 3. What are you guys doing in the millenium project? Do you have a student teacher yet? Well I don't know what else to write so good bye. Hope you write back.

Hey Larissa, it's me Cheata. I noticed that you didn't answer all my questions. I want to know the things that you like and don't like, so could you answer my questions. I know that you like to play hockey, but do you like to watch it? Do you like the Edmonton Oilers? I'm not a big fan of them. Every time I watch their games I cheer for the opposition. Tell me what teams you like okay I want to know so I can talk or write to you abut it.  What have you been up to lately. Seen any movies lately? Well I think I'm going to go. Write back okay.

Hey I'm just writing back. So what have you been up to Miss. Maz just gave as a whole bunch of work to do. What have you been up to? I'm planing to go see a movie soon.   I want to go see Sleepy Hollow. Me and my friend are planning to go. We just need someone who is old enough to go with us. I also what to go see End of Days. I like action movies. What movies have you seen so far. Do you like action and horror movies? I also like to go watch comedies.  Did you see the induction ceremony for Wayne Gretzky. I watched it, it was pretty cool and long. Who is your favorite hockey player? I have a lot of favorite hockey players. I watch hockey every Saturday. Tell me in your next letter what you have been up to. It does take you along time to send me back a letter so by then you would have done a lot of stuff.

Write to you later.

From: Cheata

Hey Larissa it's me. I like volleyball too. I'm ona the volleyball team. I think that we are in 3 place. Have you been reading my letters because in one of them I told you that I loved hockey and hated pokemon. I don't have a gameboy but I do have a playstation. You know you're kind of crazy.  Do you really think that aliens are going to take over the world? Or the computers will crash which probably will happen. Oh and the Starwars things and the teleporting watches. You have got some imagination. I try to be more down to earth, but I like kid about things like that to my best friend. If I tried that with my grade 8 friends they'ed think I'm wierd. They think that they are so mature. Not all of them just some.

Well I'm going to go now. Write me back okay.

From: Cheata

P.S. Write me a long letter.

Hey Keely!

Im your keypal.My name is Angelee im a grade seven student at Wesmount junior high school. What grade are you in? Are you excited about the millenium project? What are your favorite T.V shows? What is your favorite poke'mon?my favorite poke'mon is evee. What is your favorite subject in school?. Do you have any pets?I have a pet dog named Saze.I hope these are not to much questions.

Your keypal,


Dear Keely,

Hows it going in school so far?Did you do the the circle for the millennium project yet?If so who did you do it on?I did mine on Anastasia.Im sorry to write to you so short.

(P.s-Write back a.s.a.p)

your keypal,


Dear Keely

How is it going so far?Did you get a grandparent?Whats his/her name?  Do you think the millunium project is fun?I think it is because we get to do lots of intresting stuff.I think its great doing the millunum project!I hope you have fun!

Your Keypal,



I'm your new keypal! my name is michael m.(but you can call me mike So what grade are you  in? i'm in grade 7,so how are you liking school? i think it's okay we're studying culture in S.S. what are you doing in S.S.? im looking forward to the millennium project, are you? judging from your user name you pokemon. i like them to! whats your favorite pokemon? my favorite one is dragonair,hypno,mew,pidgiot,  bulbasaur,articuno,marowwak,hitmonlee,magmar,cloyster and dewgong

So what are you looking forward to in the millennium project?

Well i'm looking forward to your response.

so see ya!

Hi Joel

My name is Travis.I see that you are in grade 5.I am in grade 7. Are you excited about the millennium project because I know I am? I was also wondering if you liked nidoking? Well I guess thats all over and out little dude.

Hi I am Matt:

What are your favorite subjects in school. Mine is Social Studies. What kind of music do you listedn to? I like Korn. What kind of TV shows do you like? I like the Simpsons? Who is your favorite person of the millennium? Mine is Wayne Gretzky. Do you like this project? I love this project. I really like my teachers this year.

Bye for now:


My name is kyle. I am in grade 7. My favorite subjuct is math. What is your favorite subjuct? My favorite sport is soccer. what is your favorite sport? My favorite pokemon is arcarine. what is your favorite pokemon?



My name is Caleigh! not to be rude or any thing like that

but are you a boy or a girl. I'm 12,I have dark brown hair

with two light streackin the front.I have dark brown eye,

and my friend Ashley is an E-mail partner with a boy named

marc.What is your favorite tv show?,book?,game?,band?,and


please write back with info on your self.

your kye pall


Hi my name is Ludwin and I'm a boy. I'm in grade 7 and 13 years old and I go

to West mount junior high. I like to watch alot of T.V. , my favorite shows are

simpsons,Tom green show,dragon ball z, futurama, hockey

night in canada,   family guy and mad TV.

My favorite subject in school is gym and science. I like science because I

think it's interesting and I like gym because i'm and

athletic person. What subjects and T.V. shows do you like? In sience we got to

make pasta bridges, pasta bridges are bridges made from

spagetti,spirals, lasagna,and tube pasta. You have a budget and one peice of pasta costs a

certain amout and your budget is $50 000. The bridge has to hold about 8

pounds.But my only held 3.5 pounds. Did you ever have projects like that?

I hear you guys are doing the millenium projects like us.

What do you think it is? I'm not sure what it is yet, but I think I'll find

out soon.

By Ludwin

My two most favorite sports are hockey and soccer. I do like pokemon and I

have a game of it on game boy colour. My favorite subjects are math and

Enrichment. Do you like watching hockey on T.V. ? I play on a hockey

team at cornation arena and I recently started playing.

What school do you go to? What hobbies do you have? My

hobbie is doing sports and collecting game magazines. I collect them

because I like to know what new games are coming up.

Hi it's me Ludwin again writing back. for L.A. we are doing this thing called

adopting a grandparent. You e-mail questions to them about how it was like

in the old days and they are supposed to write the answers back.

Are there any particular games that you like to play outside

or indoors? A game thta I like to play is hand ball. Hand bal is sort of

like basket ball but instead of shooting into a hoop you shoot into a net with a

goalie trying to stop the shots.

My favorite bands are radio head,prodigy,fat boy slim,beastie boys and puff

daddy. What are your favorite bands?

By Ludwin

Hi my name is Cory Iam a student at westmount

Jr.high. Iam in grade 7 and Iam wondering how much you

like the millennium project so far. I like it very much

and I hope you like it to. My favorit sports are football,

basketball,and hockey. My favorit music band is korn,and

limp bizkit. I have nothing else to say to you right now

so bye for now cory.

Hi my name is calvin I am in grade 7 I am male my hobbies are hockey,

baseketball,soccer,volleyball and snowboarding.My one I am

best at isd hockey and snowboarding.Tina if you dont mined me asking

what are hobies? I was wondering what is your relgion mine is native

Iwill say hello little girl in cree wetagay stogates squa muchamonhu.

Yo Yo Katie this is Joey but you can call me jojo that is my

nickname.I hear that you like pokemon and let me guess you

like mewtwo. Well my favorite pokemon is muk. So do you like

sports,or do you like make-up and stuff. What do you think about the

new millennium that is coming ,well I think year 2000 is more of

busy time for workers.So you are in grade 5? Well grade 5

for me was hard because my teacher was a pain in the butt.Grade 7

is ok but you got to watch out for Bibliographies they are

tuff.Well it was fun talking to you right back.

Your friend JoJo

Hey Heather

I'm in grade 7 my name is Ashley.I like collecting CD's and

barbies.I also like The Offspring,Prozzak and The Backstreet

Boys.My favorite TV shows are Dawsons Creek,Party of Five.

My favorite school subjects are Math,Gym and band.What kind

of tv shows do you like?what kind ofschool subjects do you

like?What kind of music do you like?What do you look like?

Write me back soon.


Hey Kelly.

I"m in grade 7 my name is melissa. I like collecting Toronto

maple leafs things like cards. I like offspring. My favourite

television shows are Party of Five,Dawsons creek,charmed.

My favorite subjects in school are Math. What are your hobbies?

What kind of music do you like?

What are your favourite television shows?

What kind of subjects do you like in school?

What you look like?

What interesting things happened to you lately?

Well gotta go bye

write back soon



What's up,christine.My name is Courtney.

My favorite subject is science.I think science is

cool.I like reading and playing video games.

Things will change in 2000,but I

don't think they'll be flying cars,yet.My guess

is that computers will take over modern day

technologyin 2000.We won't visit mars until 2056,

but that is just a guess.


Sorry,I had to leave for 6 hours.

Umm!I don't think the sky will fall because if the

sky fell the planets would fall also towards the

earth!DOOM!And,if you haven't read my before e-mail

yet,flying cars and a visit to mars is for the far far far future

{if possible at all}. Why,you ask.Because,right now we

are dealing with the Y2K problem.What problems are in

the future?




Hi,christine.If you don't understand

why I asked why you didn't write back,I had wrote

several e-mails to you before.They might have gotten

lost somewhere in the internet.

And,noone is 100% sure what will

happen in 2000,so any guess could be right or

wrong.Robot servants are being made right now

and is scheduled to be on the markets in 2000.

My guess is that robots and computers could

wipe out humans in about 3000 but that's more

longer time to take than 2000.It's sort of

like the story 'Frankenstien'.The scientist

creates a monster,the monster hunts him down,

the scientist dies in the cold and the

monster commits himself suicide.If that were

to happen to us with the robots the world

population could disapear forever.No need

to worry though because that will most

likely happen near the year 3000 like

my guess.

Have a good weekend.

I gotta go now

by Courtney

Dear Joel

Hi how are you doing? I haven't heard from you. Are you

enjoying this project so far? If you ask me I think this project is

really cool. So... What do you like to do for fun? I like sports

infact I like all sports. I also love watching hockey.Well I guess

thats all I have to say so I e-mail you later.



Hi,Christine.You haven't wrote back.

I hope the Y2K bug didn't get you.So,you like

pokemon?Pokemon's OK.

The millennium has many different

points of view.Some scientists think the end of

the earth will occur.But,others just think 2000

will be fun.What do you think will happen in


by Courtney

Dear Jamie,

How are you?Sorry about not writing to you sooner.What's

new?Now to answer some of your questions.

Yes,I do have a lot of friends.Some of there names are

Renee, Michael, Sheena, and Adam.Those are the ones that

I hang out the with the most. I am not a big fan of Pokemon,

but most of my brothers are so I know a little

about them.Which Pokemon is your favorite?I don't have a

favorite but the ones I like are:Cubone, Vulpix, Ninetails, Squrttle, etc.

I think that you are a very smart kid to think that there

will be cars without fuel.I hope that you are right because all of the fuel is

bad for the environment.It isn't healthy for us either, so I hope you're

right.Maybe in the future you can invent that.

Well I got to go soon so I guess I'll ask you a few questions. Do you have any

brothers or sisters,pets?What do you like to do in your

spare time? Well I gotta go.Bye. Ariana.