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Advocates for the Millennium

- Social Studies Curricular Objectives -

Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9

Grade 7

Concepts Bilingualism
Process Skills Identify possible sources and location of information (print, non-print, interviews, surveys).
Acquire information to find answers to questions through listening, observing, reading and utilizing community resources.
Participation Skills Converse with others in a variety of settings, including informal, small groups and whole class discussions.
Observe the courtesies of group discussion, such as speaking in turn, using appropriate tone and giving feedback in a non-threatening manner.
Attitude Objectives Confidence in expressing their own ideas.
Willingness to consider opinions and interpretations different from their own.
Respect and tolerance for the rights, needs, opinions and concerns of others.
Locating /Interpreting/Organizing Identify and define topics.
Identify possible sources and location of information (print, non-print, surveys, interviews).
Acquire information to find answers to Questions through listening, observing, reading and utilizing community resources.
Differentiate between main and related ideas.

Grade 8

Concepts/Terms/Facts New France
British Colonies
Proclamation Act 1763
Quebec Act 1774
Constitutional Act 1791
Louis-Joseph Papineau/William Lyon MacKenzie
Rebellions 1837
Acts of Union 1841
John A. Macdonald
Louis Riel
Locating /Interpreting/Organizing Identify and define topics.
Identify possible sources and location of information (print, non-print, surveys, interviews)
Acquire information to find answers to Questions through listening, observing, reading and utilizing community resources.
Differentiate between main and related ideas.
Make notes (jottings, point form, webbing) that outline the main and related ideas from reading and while listening and observing.
Analyzing, Synthesizing/Evaluating Compare information about a topic drawn from two or more sources to see if they are identical, similar, parallel or inconsistent, unrelated or contradictory.
Draw conclusions about the historical historical development of Canada.
Participation Skills Converse with others In a variety of settings, including informal , small groups and Observe the courtesies of group discussion, such as speaking in turn, using appropriate tone and giving feedback in a non-threatening manner.whole class discussions.
Contribute to the group (leader, recorder, member) and group processes - staying on topic, extending the ideas of others, paraphrasing, and working toward a consensus or a decision.
Attitude objectives Appreciation of interdependence as a common feature of life.
Willingness to cooperate and work with others.
Appreciation for the way in which knowledge of the past helps them understand the present and the future.
Appreciation of the contributions of individuals, groups and events to the development of Canada.
Willingness to consider opinions and interpretations different from their own.
Communication skills Construct a time line of major events and contributions of individuals to shaping the political development of Canada.

Grade 9

Generalizations/Concepts/Terms/Facts Technology has affected our way of life and will continue to influence our future.
Innovations such as robotics, computers, and the information revolution have social, economic, political, environmental, and cultural implications.
Quality of life is affected by changes in technology.
Locating /Interpreting/Organizing Identify and define topics.
Identify possible sources and location of information (print, non-print, surveys, interviews).
Acquire information to find answers to Questions through listening, observing, reading and utilizing community resources.
Make notes (jottings, point form, webbing) that outline the main and related ideas from reading and while listening and observing.
Differentiate between main and related ideas.
Analyzing, synthesizing/Evaluating Compare information about a topic drawn from two or more sources to see if they are identical, similar, parallel or inconsistent, unrelated or contradictory.
Draw conclusions about technological change and its effect on quality of life.
Participation Skills Develop increased facility in communicating with others in more formal situations such as interviews and panel discussions.
Observe the courtesies of group discussion, such as speaking in turn, using appropriate tone and giving feedback in a non-threatening manner.
Contribute to the group (leader, recorder, member) and group processes - staying on topic, extending the ideas of others, paraphrasing, and working toward a consensus or a decision.
Attitude objectives Acceptance that change is a common feature of life.

Prepared by:
John Anderson
Teacher, Westmount School
