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Advocates for the Millennium

- Emails to Keypals -

Here is a sampling of some of the
introductory emails that we sent to our keypals.

Hi Rebecca!

How are you? who did you study in this "past" week? I studied Roger Bannister. The guy was pretty interesting. Did you get a reply from our business company that we're interviewing? I  hope you write back telling me more about yourself.


Hi Wayne, Me and Brad Have been studying on famous people in the history. Hi Wayne, this is Andrew I have been studying about Martin Luther, not Martin Luther King Jr. the other one. Brad is also studying famous people of the History. He is studying about Wayne Gretzky. Hi this is Brad, I have been studying about Wayne Gretzky.

So.... How are you doing??? We have just finished our history week and we are going to be doing the Present week talking about the famous people right now.   Wriet soon!

Brad and Andrew

May 14, 1999

To: Kayla

I don't think the moon is going to hit the Earth. This morning I had to present a report on Hokusia, a famous painter who made the millennium. He was born in 1760 and died in 1849, and yes he is pretty old.

What person did you have to research? Does he still living or did he die along time ago? I saw what you look like and you cool on computer, the same with your best friends.


To kayla

Joey =j Sabrina=s

j-I build models to except their only for display
s= I like to build models to only mine are made of lego

Hi how are you were fine. Today we did famous people presentations j=I did Helen Keller s=I did Marie Curie j=i prefer soccer s=I like hockey too my favorite position is golie.  My favorite goalie is Curtis Joseph.[cujo]. J=I think the y2k will cause a crash like in the 30's(ask your teacher about it) s=I agree with your idea that the earth will be blown up by the moon.What is your famous person you did ? what is your personal opinion about the y2k?

Sabrina & Joey

Dear Alexis

Hello how are you?

This week we have been researching famous people from the past. The person I researched was Anton Van Leeuwenhoek,he invented the microscope.He discovered bacteria and red blood cells.Befor he became a famous scientist he was a cloth merchant.

From Krystle

Hey Angela,

This is Keri and Melissa we're your partners for the millennium project. We're both in grade 8 and we don't like sports, if it matters at all.What do you think about the millennium project? What do you think will happen? Do you think everything will shut down? Melissa and I were thinking about Millennium parties and how bad it will be since most fireworks and stuff are set off electronically.We were also thinking about bank accounts and credit cards and how people will get money or food if they can't use them.What else do we need to worry about? any suggestions?Well we sent an e-mail to a lawyer to see if he can answer some of the questions,we'll let you know what we find out

Your partners

Keri and Melissa

Dear Donald and Will,

Hello my name is Justin.I currently go to westmount school . i am 14 years old and enjoy playing soccer,hockey and playing my N64 . if i may do so may i call you don and will. i have dirty blonde hair ,blue eyes and im about 5foot 11.i have a little sister who is twelve her names jaime and a little brother named jory,hes 10.i have two dogs. One is a chocolate lab (daisy) AND THE OTHER IS A POODLE. write back......................