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What is the Millennium Anyway?

Our first class of

the Advocates for the Millennium Project

had students explore the website

then write their thoughts.

We share those with you here.

Miss Lipkewich's Grade 8s

Hi this is Mary!

To me Y2K is when the number 2000 screws up the computers.
When this happens our electricity and all the power shuts off.  
It will be very scary because we have no lights and no food.
Also lots of buisness will lose money because of the power.

. . . there is going to be a huge new years party!!!.
Some questions I want answered are, what is going to happen
to us?  Are we going to live through this?  What will happen after
the year 2000?  Is everything going to shut down?


I think that the millennime is just going to get people  
very worred.I also think that there is going to be a big party.


Y2K is year 2000!  Y2K doesn't mean anything to me ,
just year 2000.  I would like to learn if all of the computers
are going to crash and so on .


I am writing on behalf of Brittany and Tracy. Y2K means
the end of the world to me (Brittany). It just means another
year to Tracy. Brittany thinks that in the year 2000, all the
electronic stuff will all shut down.  I also think that if the
electronics shuts down the food shops will not have a place to
put their food, so people are getting all their food supplies
now. I think aliens will come to earth. That's what I think about
the millennium.  

The millenium means the end of an era to me.  So many
important events have happened in the past one thousand
years. Y2K is a computer bug that will screw them up on
January 1st, year 2000.  I want to find out what will happen.
Will everything computerized shut down? Or will just computers.


Hi! What's up? This is Norman and Tram writing you this
paragraph.  We feel that Y2K is going to be very exciting
when all the electricities are going to run out and all appliances
that uses electricity won't work anymore. We also feel scared
because the refridgerator won't work and we won't have any
food to eat.  That's mostly what we feel and we would like to
learn more about the millennium because we think that
it's very cool! See ya!!!

Y2K to me means that the year 2000 is approching faster than I
thought.  I think that it will block out all of our comunication systems
and change our modern day life.  I want to learn if this is all true.


Millennium Thoughts from Keri and Melissa

The millennium is a time to reflect on all the past things that have
happened to you all the things you want to happen in the future
and plan how you will achieve these goals. The millennium is also
a scary thing for a lot of people because of all the changes taking
place.We hope by the end of the unit to have a clear understanding
of what is going to happen and what is just paronoid rumors. We
also hope to know what kinds of things we should reasonably do
to prepare ourselves.We also want to be able to explain why these
things are happening and what the world will be like in 2000.

The millennium means that our world will change because of
technology.  Some things I think that will happen are:

1) computers will go down (temporarily)

2) our electricty will go out

After this,we will have a better life because things will be more
advanced . We might have found a cure for some dieseases,we will
have more fun with computers,and we will be able to learn more in

Some questions I have are:

How long will we (if we are) have to be without power

Shauna and Nara

Miss Mazurenko's Grade 7s

The millennium doesn't really affect me except that I am a part of history.
Being able to live through two different millenniums is kinda neat if you
think about it. Only a small amount of the world's entire population that
ever lived will experience this! The millennium bug doesn't really affect
me cause I don't have a computer but some time telling machines might
break and we'll have to buy new ones.


To me the millennium means a HUGE computer crash. It also means a
new million years to come. I hope that the world will change. I hope
there will be happiness, no gangs, no thieves and I hope to learn more.


To me the millennium is really cool and I think I will understand
more of this at the end of this project and I really like this project.


I do not know much about the upcoming millennium. I do know
a few things about the Y2K bug. I hope that I can find a way for
my computer to keep working when the time comes. In a way
I am scared about it coming up but in another I hope that it
comes soon. I can't wait to celebrate the millennium with my family.


I am excited about the millenium. I think it will be a joyful time of a
celebration of new technology and a celebration of living life to the
fullest. But, then there is the Y2K bug. That will have an effect all
around the world that will bring down some things (like computers),
but with the technology that we have in the world today, we will have
that problem fixed in no time.

P.S. I have faith in all the smart people in the world to fix the problem.


I think that the millennium bug will cause a black out and the world
will be in chaos. People will be committing crimes all over the city.
I also think that the prices for items like food will be raised because
of the incapibility to produce it. There may not be electricity or heat
because computers will be shut down. I know that businesses are
trying to prevent it but I don't know which ones.


This pages was last updated
May 9, 1999
by A.E.Lipkewich