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Super Duper Hardcore Guys

By Trinia Boskat

With Sweating Bodies pushing one another around, people screaming obscenities and sometimes even throwing potentially dangerous objects at them, most bands would trudge off of the stage in defeat, but not this band: Not Nobody's Heroes. As one fan Bradley P. Hampton stated, "Nobody's Heroes is the most super duper hardcore band I've ever heard." Nobody's Heroes is: Ryan McTaggart and Hunter "Tight Cunt" Boyd on Vocals, Ryan Hampton on Drums, Don Tate and Dana Simerly(He ended up not joining) on Guitar and Andy Lukofsky on Bass. Together the guys mix a bit of ska, punk and hardcore with a lot of originality to form Nobody's Heroes.

Why did you guys decide to form a band?

Hunter: Because well mostly because I've wanted to be in a band as long as I can remember. I've always wanted to express myself through music.
Ryan H: To hopefully start something unique, which I think we have accomplished
Andy: I was bored

What are your musical influences?

Hunter: Micheal Jackson and New Kids on the Block.
Ryan H: Slipknot, uh...Deftones, definately Rancid and Kenny G
Andy: The bands I listen to most are A.F.I., Misfits, Rancid, and Bloody Dung

You have to admit that you guys are pretty successful, especially for local artists. What are your feelings about this success?

Hunter: I think that if we keep going the way that we've been going we might have a chance
Ryan H: I don't feel like we are anything special. We're still the same guys that we were when we started.
Andy: I think we are doing ok since we haven't even been together a year yet...

What is you favorite or um least favorite venue to play?

Hunter: I hate Pharoh's on Joy Road in Westland. Nobody go there. Anywhere else is peachy.
Ryan H: My Favorite place? I don't have a favorite place, but I hate Pharaoh's
Andy: My Favorite show was at madison's House.

What would the general feelings of the song lyrics be?

Ryan H: They are very political I don't write them so I can't really describe them.
Andy: Pretty much serious stuff, no BLink 182 crap

How would you describe Nobody's Heroes Sound?

Hunter: Original
Ryan H: It doesn't sound like anything I've heard.
