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This is a big fat lie...
Photo by Jen

Christmas break 1998. Ryan(vocals), Ryan(drums), and Brian(bass) formed Nobody's Heroes. We practiced for awhile as a three piece band in Brian's living room. After a week or so of practice Jason Krieger formerly of Friction, joined on guitar. With this line up practice continued, and we even wrote three songs; redline, christian values, and emo love song. Two of these you will never ever ever hear. Count yourself lucky, they were horrible. After a few days of practice with this line up Andy was invited to join, during the Telegraph after christmas show...since Andy and I had both been in another band together before. Nobody's Heroes was now a five piece band. It seemed that all was going well, we even wrote another new song...Addiction and began work on Another Cigarette. Then it happened. One day Krieger didn't show up for practice, this cylce repeated for the next week. Krieger had quit. Andy was now our full time guitarist. Time moved on, and practice continued we blew up the speaker in Brian's living room, and were told we had to the end of the month to find a new place to pracice. The trailer park authorities considered us to noisey for there community. Banned from a trailer park!!! Then our first show came. The VFW hall. We all expected to suck and be hated by the crowd but, something unexpected happened. We were applauded. It was great...practice continued new songs were wrote, and then we played our second show ever at the Hippy House(R.I.P) house. We played like shit it was so fucking cold, and we played so horribly the crowd was pissed. So how do you think the show went. Trying to salvage our rock stardom we moved the show inside and played good, actaully we played damn good. The only set back was of the 25 fans originally there only about 10 remained, most of whom lived there...A few days after that show we kicked Brian out. Andy moved to bass and Don Tate, formerly of Page 10, joined us on guitar. Things were starting to come together, we wrote more new songs and played a show on the radio. It was sweet, to bad noone was awake to hear us play. O well shite happens. From there we moved on to play in a Battle of the Bands finishing third. Not to shabby if you ask me. Here we met up with our good friends Orange Kake and Lied My Way. After the battle of the bands we played the Ypsilanti Spring Jam. It rocked. We played a bunch of shows in June, all of which went extremely well. We then took July off, with the exception of the 4th... to record our first demo, entitled Superman's Dead. Don then left the band on good terms...Craiger returned...and practiced for about two weeks before we realized that we couldn't just break the family up. So we asked Don to come back and he agreed. We offered Craiger a spot as a rythme guitarist but he wasn't interested. So as they say the band played on...the family grew, and we found a label interested in putting out our first fulll length CD. Eatters of the Weak. Came out on Realm of Freaks Records on December 11th 1999. 19 short days before the Apocalypse. Don then lost his love of the music so we asked him to get the hell out of our band. Will Armstrong formerly of Next2Nothing then joined as a guitar player. He played three shows with us and then left due to car problems. Aaron a long time fan and good friend of the band stepped up to fill the shoes of the many guitar players who came before him. He is our current guitar player.
