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Songs on Comps

Got a comp? Want us on it? Let us know!
So far we only have one song on a comp. Its a live recording of Addiction which can be found on the Bad Dog Records comp.


Tim Lived on a farm
Never did anyone no harm
He worked hard all through the day
When the night came down he loved to play
Loved the women and he slept around
Fucked everygirl in his town
Got AIDS and died when he was 17
Got em from the prom queen


Everybodies got an Adiction
We all live with the Friction
I'm an addict and you are too
And theres nothing we can do
40 in hand and fist in the air
(oioioi) You don't care friends are gone and so is your hope
Sold your future for some dope

Jenny was always daddies little girl
His precious virgin pearl
Pretty as a rose
She liked the candy for her nose
She'd snort row after row
Did it all the time don't ya know?
She OD'ed late one nite
Her pale body was quiet the site
Her head lay on the counter
The mirror lay on the floor
Daddies little girl would snort coke no more


Everybodies got an Adiction
We all live with the Friction
I'm an addict and you are too
And theres nothing we can do
40 in hand and fist in the air
(oioioi) You don't care friends are gone and so is your hope
Sold your future for some dope

Dan was strong and Dan was tough
All his life he had it rough
He could punch and he could kick
Beat your ass with a stick
Late on nite, out on the street
Who knew he was packin heat
Dan got shot and Dan died
His body on the roadside
He bled there in the cold
Dan's addiction took him
Before he grew old


Everybodies got an Adiction
We all live with the Friction
I'm an addict and you are too
And theres nothing we can do
40 in hand and fist in the air
(oioioi) You don't care friends are gone and so is your hope
Sold your future for some dope

Lars had a crew
They did what they had to do
To get by
Lived a hard life
Never asked why
Never had money till he was 15
Started pushing drugs in our scene
He got busted now he sits in jail
Took all his money couldn't post bail
He'll be out in 5 to 10
See if he still likes the money then
Everybodies got an Adiction
