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Old News

You really wanna reread this crap?


Will has came and gone he played three rockin shows with us. Josh from Friction will be filling in on guitar while we try out new guitar players. So if you play guitar get off your ass and come try out. Josh will be playing shows with us until we find someone new. See you at the next show.


Last update of the millenium and it's a big one. I have redesigned the webpage I hope you all enjoy it. Our first full length CD entitled Eatters of the weak is out now. It is available at shows in will be in indie record stores by midjanuary. We have also added a new guitarist. See you at the shows lets make the next millenium crazier than the last.


The devils nite show went over great. Thanx to everyone who came out. I think everyone had fun despite the hole put in the wall and the broken window. Show this Saturday at the Beat Hotel. It's Free so be sure to come out.


Well the show at Mr. Mugs was a blast. Plunger opened with a strong set, they even dedicated a song to us. We followed Plunger and I have to say I think it was our best show yet. I saw a lot of fimiliar faces and many news ones...thanx to all the kids who went crazy in the pit. I hope everyone enjoyed our set, thanx for coming up during family and being just that, ONE BIG FAMILY. Sorry bout the bloody nose Andy, but you kno how life goes. Friction followed us and they played their best set ever, I was even more impressed than usual. Forge followed Friction and they were great, I hope we can play again with them some time. Everyone should make the trip out to see them or pick up their new cd. We are playing this Friday in coldwater with Self Titled at the high school. There are supposed to be skate ramps set up so it should be a blast. So yeah I put up pictures and shit check it out...Devils Nite...big show....peace...


Thanx to everyone for driving out to Ferndale to see us we had a hell of a day/show. I apologize for the high cover charge but, it was Ferndale home of the rich fucking dick heads! This show was yet another show busted up by the stupid fucking pigs. I said it then and I say it now "FUCK THE POLICE" They only harass us because we refuse to submit to there lies. We should have pictures up in a week or two, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled. We have the patches available now you can get them from us or the Cat's Meow. See you at the next show.


Hey kids I know it's been awhile since the page has been updated but, it's been awhile since we've played a show. We played a free show last night at Joe Bellemy's House with Friction . The show went great. It's been far too long since we've jammed with our Brothers in Friction but, that shits coming to an end. We are going to be jamming a lot together, so be ready to fuck shit up old skool style once again. We have a lot of shows coming up in the next few weeks so put on your dancing shoes and come on out. Check the shows page for more info, more pics coming soon, see ya around....


Well we played Saturday nite at pharohs, the show went great. Thanx to everyone who came out early to check us out. We would like to thank Madison for letting us be apart of there final show. It's sad to see them leaving the scene they've done so much to help out the local bands. I think every local band has nothing but good things to say about Madison. But they are moving on to bigger and better things, with everyone in the band starting a new band...We released our limited addition(100 copies) demo tape at if you ever wanted a tape of us, we have them...We are trying to book some more shows so if you have anything for us to play let us know. Later...


Well..we have some big news for everyone..we now officially have a record deal. We will be recording our first full length CD, sometime this winter. It will be released on Realm of Freaks Records, an Ann Arbor based label. We have a few exciting shows coming up that you don't wanna miss...I'll be adding pictures slowly but surely sometime very soon...Don may end up staying with the band, we'll have to see how things work out...the show on the 12th got canceled, we are banned for life from the Neutral Zone...more news sometime soon... peace


Well here's the new website design. I think I finally found a design thats easy to navigate, fast loading, and easier for me to update. I hope everyone hasn't forgotten us in the month we've been gone. The demo is done. It will contain 8 or possibly 9 songs depending the mood I am in when I mix it down. We have lots of new shit coming in including a new guitar player. Don's last show with us will be August 12th. Hope to see everyone soon. I will be updating this webpage after every show from here on out. Later...


Well the July 4th show was awesome!! We played with a bunch of really good bands. The turn out was a bit low but what can you expect on a holliday. Thanks to Trina, Michelle, Brian, Kyle, Va'Nek, and Tisha for driving from our home town to see us. We had a blast playing with Closet Monster , Ruth's Hat, and Marilyn's Vitamins . As always playing with Area 51-7 was awesome. Thanx a million to Sean for letting us play this show. Hopefully we can go back to Lansing for another show soon. For awhile we won't be doing anymore shows, we are going to concentrate on recording our 10 song demo. It will be a limited addition one hundred copy demo. It is going to be released on August 12th at our show with Madison. We are still looking for artists so if you know one or are one let us know. I am overhauling the site to try and make it interactive so stop by often for the next week our two. Not too much else is new. We are booking shows for August so if you have anything let us know.


Hey!!! Friction Got Signed!!!! It's about time some record company wised up and signed a very talented band. I wish them the best and I am proud to consider them my friends. They deserve to blow up, they have been together for a long time and are a great bunch of guys. I think that they are going to open for Kid the lame assed No Heroes news...we need a guitar if you know anyone...we have also decided that the much talked about long overdue demo tape will be released at the end of July. I promise...we should get the Bad Dog Records comp in soon. We played Saturday at Mr Mugs, it was sweet, except for Muzzle Inc...they decided they were too good to play...o well there loss. Everyone else rocked the house. We have one show scheduled for July. We are trying to book some more so if you can help us just drop an email our way. I will be adding some pics later this week. Peace. Some new stuff will also be added this week so surf around...


Hey we had one hell of a weekend...we played a show in Bloomfield or maybe it was pontiac, I don't really know, it started off horrible but then something amazing happened...the The Falsie's played. They played one hell of a set. It impressed the shit out of me. The police then broke the show up...but the singer from Madison saved the day. He invited us to play at his house. We went over there and played our asses off. We thought we played a good set then the next to bands played...El second hand was fucking amazing. They played a solid set and a slayer cover it was great. Madison followed, they are fucking awesome. I never imagined we could play with a band as good as any of these three. We may be playing again with Madison. Even if you don't wanna see us they are more than worth the drive to see em. Saturday we played the Children of the Corn show. Every band that played was awesome but once again the The Falsie's and El second hand stole the show. They played so awesome if you didn't see them this time around you really missed out. I feel privledged to have played with such good bands. Well we may be recording a 4 trak demo in the shed on Tuesday. See you at Mr Muggs on Saturday.


Hey Hey. I added a bunch of new things in case you haven't noticed yet...we played at the 7th house. It would have been bad assed cept we went on second to last, so we played for like 10 people. O well shite happens. Orange Kake was there, with lots of chix, they played a hell of a set. We have more shirts in stock if you are interested email us. Not too much else new, check the shows page if you get bored. I dunno look around I have added alot of crap to this page. Peace! O yeah the eyeball is a link in case you didn't know...


I am in the process of adding a lot of new stuff to this page so it will be changing a little each day this week. We have the show on the 19th set. My foot has healed. We have a lot of new material ready for our upcoming gigs. At least two new songs per show! We are also thinking of doing some 4 track recording. We still need to sell tickets for the 12th so if you wanna go let us know. We are looking fo rshows anywhere in July. Know someone who is setting some up? email us! Not too much else is new. Check the bios page, and lyrics page for new shite. Come back often this week I am overhauling the site.


Ok I think I have the whole color thing figured out...It's my birthday so send cash check or money orders to me...Since I am 18 now if I molest your little sister I can go to jail...damn...I have new surveys on the survey page...and we have some new songs ready for the 7th House show. We are looking for a few bands to play a show with us on June 19th. If you wanna play let us now ASAP. We are in the porcess of setting up a show with Hoodrat in Toronto, my foot is healing...Trina gave me some pizza today, Vanek forgot to give me the Misfits boxed set she promised, so you have my permission to send her hatemail. Well I need to go and corrupt the minds of Amerikas youth.


Well our contest for the free comp is over...sorry kids...We have battle of the bands tickets if ya wanna come see us just give me a call or email me...I get the cast off my foot just in time for the show, so be ready to fuck shit up...We get to play the 7th house with our brothers Orange Kake so come check us out. We have some new material for the next show so...I guess thats all thats new...oh yeah I updated the shows page too...


Well whats new in our world? Not a whole lot. My leg is broke and all I wanna do is bitch about it. But I won't, fear not, this weeks update is focused on some great news. We are to be on an upcoming East Lansing comp with such greats as; Area 51-7, Razor Dave, Neglegnet Youth, the Van Ermans, Lied My Way, and many more to come. We are using a live track from our show at Mr Mugs. Who ever emails us first with the song we are using gets a free tape. You only have till next week to email me though, so make it snappy! If you want more info on the label the comp is coming out on check there webpage Well see ya in the pit!


We played a show at Mr Mugs(in the upstairs crack house area) We played with two other good bands (Sharp Shooter and Friction)and three ass hole bands. We had shirts but we sold em all. We are gettin more made. I am putting up a survey page tomorrow go there and do the surveys! We would like to thank Orange Kake for driving a long ass way to see us...we are trying to set up a show together but, we can't find a place. I would also like to remind you that Lied My Way is playin on May 21 at Pharohs Golden Cup. Go there. I threw up before the show and we are gonna sell it at our next show, buy it. Its all about the benjamins. We are gonna be on a comp with some Lansing bands, we are using a live track from tonites recording. I think thats balls itch, i have a broken foot, and I can't get laid...thanx.


Well the battle of the Bands has came and gone. We had a blast. I think it's safe to say everyone there had a hell of the time. A lot of people have been complaining about me hurting them in the pitt. To these people all I have to say is, "sux to be you." I would like to thank Orange Kake and Lied My Way for the support. I think we'll be playing otgether again soon....


Yo? It's been awhile since our last update, so what, I don't think anyone gives a fuck...Well whats new? We played last Friday on 88.1 FM at 2 am. Did anyone hear us? We played our asses off, and Social Scare made us look like just what we are, a bunch of no talent nobody's. We are getting shirts made for our next show. We have started work on our Demo tape. I've updated the rest of this page so look around.


Its with regret that I say that Brian has left the band. I think he'll still be at our shows cuz he's our boy. Check you all later


Well we've played two shows, one of them was great the other was.....hum.....cold? For those of you who braved the cold to see us thanx a lot. Unfortuantely most of you left while we moved our gear inside. Too bad inside we played a hell of a set. I would like to thank Tim (Navy Boy) Wortz, Tom, Michelle and Trina for having the balls to enjoy themselves at a show. Everyone else I hope you enjoyed sitting there. Your loss. Well Don Tate is now in the band you may remember him from the late great PAGE 10. We have some new songs and new shows coming your way so get ready and check the shows page.


Well the webpage is up. Be sure to sign the guestbook. We played our first show on Saturday. It was great. The pit was huge( I would like to thank Joe and Hunter, they started it) I had a blast. We are looking to play again soon. we have been kicked out of the trailer park so for now we are practicing at Little Ryans if you ever wanna stop by. Look for the new song "Runaway" at our next show. Till then peace.

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