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by Jason A., "The University Kid"

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These "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" web pages were created and written by:
Jason A.

Yuck.  The Disclaimer.  I hate 'em too.  "You can bet your sweet little chumpy on it."
All images are © 1998 by their respective copyright holders unless otherwise specified. These web page(s) are in NO WAY connected with any entity responsible for the creation of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The entire contents of these web page(s) are © 1999 to this site (, except where any copyrights supercede (especially pictures). No portion of ANYTHING contained at this site may be used for commercial purposes or profit. If an image or document from these page(s) is used, credit must be given to this web site ( or to its respective copyright holder(s). Thanks for visiting Lois and Clark!