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Our Key West Trip (Feb 1998)

Well we had loaded the 23 ft s2 and headed south, stopping along the way at Tampa to visit with friends.
Arriving in Key West we spent the first night in a parking lot talking with an ex-catamaran skipper who lived in his motorhome.
The next day we got a slip at the city marina and launched the boat.
Day three found us day sailing around the Navy base, and learning how shallow the water really is, going aground in a local anchorage.
Finally on friday the 13th of February we headed out onto the reef, finding the wind abeam and gentle seas.
We arrived at Sand Key and tried to find the underwater camera to document our first saltwater snorkeling adventure. Unfortunately the seas had increased and staying below became impossible so we went into the water without the camera.
The trip back to the marina was somewhat suspenseful in that the wind had died, the tank of gas we thought we had, became an eighth of a tank, and we were taking on water. Not to worry, this is normal while motoring, just pump it out with the bilge pump. UH OH! "I dont know why the bilge pump isn't working, hon. Maybe you'd better start bailing."
So here we are in the Bermuda Triangle on Friday the 13th, running on empty, trying to beat darkness back to the marina in a sinking boat.
Terry was really having fun now!
Well, we made it in okay, even back up north far enough to get stopped by the Ohio State Police. "Do you have a license on that trailer, sir?" "Of course we do officer." "Want to show me where it is?" "Love to." Oh well, he gave us a nice peice of paper to show when the next State Trooper pulled us over. "Well sir, I wish I could honestly tell you I'll be the last one to pull you over." He was.
You just meet the nicest people trailersaiing.
P. S. Duplicate plates are only five dollars.

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