Why a tutorial?
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Why did I write this tutorial? A few months ago while first learning to write html I noticed 2 things. First, most of the tutorials I saw were filled with images and sounds which caused them to load very slowly and were somewhat distracting while trying to learn. This became frustrating when referring back for quick imformation, something I did often in the early stages. Secondly the operations seemed mysterious and complicated while reading the explanations. Only after performing each task myself, could I see the simplicity of, and understand the process I was using.
With these points in mind I began answering some of postings that I could. After several revisions I had what I thought were simple instructions to, step by step perform the simpler operations.
Using cut, copy and paste, right out of my email storage I answered the same questions, asked different ways, day after day. The next logical step was to assemble the instructions into a step by step tutorial for beginners, post to my website, and link to there when anwering posts in the discussion groups.
A bonus to this, is that someone looking for one particular method might stumble onto something else that will be helpful later on and save posting another question.
As this is an ongoing endeavor, it's likely that there will be minor changes and additions, so be sure to check back. I hope this is helpful to someone out there, if so, check out my homepage and sign my guestbook, it's also a great place to show off what you've learned.
Good Luck!